Modding for Dummies (or dummy as the case may be)

So over the last 9 months I have sank myself entirely to far in to playing & replaying the BG series. I am to the poin that I want to begin exploring some mods to add variety to the game. Looking to ease myself into it as I am totally clueless when i t comes to mods for any games. The closet I have come to using a "mod" so far is EEkeeper to add a few containers here & there, make a multi-class character with a kit, or rebuild a few different NPCs. I am not even sure where to start, and that is after looking ad such threads as "essential BG mods" and others.
I accidentally had Joluv go hostile while doing a certain quest that he is meant to be a bystander of (he & a peasant- not even sure how it happened or was even aware til I returned to The Copper Coronet) & can't seem to get the line added to enable the console commands to stick in the .ini file. So, yeah, I'm rather pathetic in terms of editing programming files. However, I am quite intelligent & more than willing to put effort into reading/learning the system to do so.
To further compound the issue, I am using PC that most would consider ancient. It is about 10-12 years old I am guesstimating- I bought it to play Rome: Total War, Mideval: Total War 2, LOTR RTS's, NWN2, ES: Oblivion, ect as other my old PC couldn't run Rome & the other games were current titles. My Laptop is reserved for work and I prefer gaming on my PC anyway with my 10 year old PC surround sound/woofer set. Since most of my games from GOG (including BG series), figure I should use a system to match. So yeah, Windows 7 and limited space on the hard drive (about 20gb atm). Will this bar entry to many/any mods?
I assume starting with backing up my BG files (saves in particular) would be wise, which I like to think I can figure out for myself. After that.....yeah, I'm lost. I have an idea of some I would like to try (while I def plan to give it a go- I'm not in a place where I necessarily want to play the game in a hardcore mode a la SCS. Currently play on core rules and that works for me as my game time is limited and too much complication/difficulty gets in the way still.
So would I be better off listing the mods I have in mind to try here and some one advising the best way/order to add them? Is there anywhere that I can get a walk through for adding mods to BG or PC games in general to learn the in & outs of doing so? Like the title- adding/installing/using mods for dummies type of walk through would be much appreciated and since I mainly play older games- prolly much enhance my gaming. I'd love to try some NWN2, Totalwar, & ES mods as well & since D&D and BG is my favorite setting/games- figure this is as good of time/way to learn as any.
Thanks for any feedback or even taking time to read through this dribble. Happy gaming!
I accidentally had Joluv go hostile while doing a certain quest that he is meant to be a bystander of (he & a peasant- not even sure how it happened or was even aware til I returned to The Copper Coronet) & can't seem to get the line added to enable the console commands to stick in the .ini file. So, yeah, I'm rather pathetic in terms of editing programming files. However, I am quite intelligent & more than willing to put effort into reading/learning the system to do so.
To further compound the issue, I am using PC that most would consider ancient. It is about 10-12 years old I am guesstimating- I bought it to play Rome: Total War, Mideval: Total War 2, LOTR RTS's, NWN2, ES: Oblivion, ect as other my old PC couldn't run Rome & the other games were current titles. My Laptop is reserved for work and I prefer gaming on my PC anyway with my 10 year old PC surround sound/woofer set. Since most of my games from GOG (including BG series), figure I should use a system to match. So yeah, Windows 7 and limited space on the hard drive (about 20gb atm). Will this bar entry to many/any mods?
I assume starting with backing up my BG files (saves in particular) would be wise, which I like to think I can figure out for myself. After that.....yeah, I'm lost. I have an idea of some I would like to try (while I def plan to give it a go- I'm not in a place where I necessarily want to play the game in a hardcore mode a la SCS. Currently play on core rules and that works for me as my game time is limited and too much complication/difficulty gets in the way still.
So would I be better off listing the mods I have in mind to try here and some one advising the best way/order to add them? Is there anywhere that I can get a walk through for adding mods to BG or PC games in general to learn the in & outs of doing so? Like the title- adding/installing/using mods for dummies type of walk through would be much appreciated and since I mainly play older games- prolly much enhance my gaming. I'd love to try some NWN2, Totalwar, & ES mods as well & since D&D and BG is my favorite setting/games- figure this is as good of time/way to learn as any.
Thanks for any feedback or even taking time to read through this dribble. Happy gaming!
As for mods, I suggest SCS with only basic options enabled. Try yourself against better enemy AI.
In my game, the Shapechange: Iron Golem was missing its advertised immunity to +2 weapons and less since I was getting hit by the Amnish reputation police using normal spears, so I added it back last night.
Hoping by that point I am comfortable/knowledgeable enough to try out other mods and set up a install order on my own.
Also- I actually already followed a couple links on how to activate console command, even found a thread where the person had same issue I had with Joluv & instructions to fix or spawn a new Joluv merchant.. Some reason when I attempt to add it, it doesn't save. It is odd to say the least. I was just charming him if I wanted to peruse his wares, but then he wandered off & thought he was gone, later found him over by the planar sphere and he seems to have taken up residence there(atleast he was there for several in-game days & still there when I headed to Brynnlaw). I won't need him much or at all anymore in that run anyway.
Again, thanks for the replies. I will press on in my attempt to modify my BG experience!