Rasaad Romance questions

Hey guys,
I just finished SoD, and I found out that there was a Rasaad romance track that never seemed to start for me (I played as a female good character, so I don't know what happened) But I wasn't about to go back and replay the thing, so I just youtubed the romance to catch up. I'm a bit confused. If you played the romance, surely Rasaad's attitude in meeting you will be totally different than if you didn't... doesn't he need to apologise/explain? Has the EE version of SoA been patched to create a different opening banter if you played the romance? And if you didn't play the romance in SoD, can you still pick it up in SoA, or have I missed the opportunity? Is there some CLUAConsole magic I should be working here?
I just finished SoD, and I found out that there was a Rasaad romance track that never seemed to start for me (I played as a female good character, so I don't know what happened) But I wasn't about to go back and replay the thing, so I just youtubed the romance to catch up. I'm a bit confused. If you played the romance, surely Rasaad's attitude in meeting you will be totally different than if you didn't... doesn't he need to apologise/explain? Has the EE version of SoA been patched to create a different opening banter if you played the romance? And if you didn't play the romance in SoD, can you still pick it up in SoA, or have I missed the opportunity? Is there some CLUAConsole magic I should be working here?
If you choose "What do you mean by that?" instead of "Rasaad...don't look at me like that," when he says "I should have expected this," he will not get angry at you and feel betrayed. Instead, he'll mourn the fact that your heritage can't stop heaping cruelty on you. If you tell him that his belief in your innocence means the world to you and that he has to leave to be spared from your ill luck, he will express the hope of one day seeing you again.
The fact that these drastically different reactions depend on a single response has always irked me, especially since both conversation choices seem fairly tonally ambiguous.
As for how the romance flows into BG2, for the positive ending at least, I think a number of explanations could work for that. Both Charname and Rasaad are not in good headspaces at the start of BG2 and they've been apart for some time, so it would make a lot of sense for Rasaad to dial things back and start over.
If you got the bad ending and there's no reactivity in BG2, well...the writers just dun goofed.
Honestly, if I were one of the writers Id be floating the idea of some kind of Dragonspear continuity expansion pack. An update to a few banters, maybe a few related quests, maybe a chance to reclaim some of that awesome loot, I'd pay for that... Just to tie things up a bit neater. But that's just my humble opinion.
Not sure what to look for in the console. I'm a console newb in any case.
As far as chapter 10 goes, that may be too late to initiate the romance, since some of the talks are tied to the chapter I think. There may also be an issue with an existing romance keeping Rasaad from starting his. If the romance started and you booted him from the party temporarily that would break the romance. It is also entirely possible you responded wrong to what you though was a banter because Rasaad is weird like that.
I can't find anything that is particularly specific regarding how all this works in SoD though, so I'm not sure what the solution would be.