The 6th wheel in a evil party?

Ok so I want to have an evil play-through of the game but there are only 5 possible evil-party members protagonist included.
So who should I include for the 6th party member? Which available companion is the most evil-compatible/bantering?
So who should I include for the 6th party member? Which available companion is the most evil-compatible/bantering?
While not of evil alignment the following fit well with a evil group IMO: Haer'Dalis, Yoshimo, & even Jan Jansen and maybe even Cernd.
Vanilla I vote Haer'Dalis. He believes in entropy and destruction, which is pretty much what evilparties are.
Possibly Angelo
Xulaye for the Underdark
Also, there are Quayle, Xan, and Tiax mods for BG2ee, too ...
I'm presuming, from the dialog that came up at the time, basically "him or me", that if it happens again I'm going to lose one of them.
If not that: time for NPC mods!