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EEKeeper Creatures Not Updating.

First time using EEKeeper, been using NI in the past. So I changed my saved game character and a few NPC's and it all went ok.

Then I thought I would modify some creatures. I have a Mega Mod set up and installed with Big World Set-Up. Using the "Tactics" option. On level 3 of the Naskil Mines someone decided to put 5 nasty critters that are impossible for a level 1 party to kill. So I used EEKeeper to edit them. Ive always been able to do this with Near Infinity on the original versions of a Mega Modded Baldurs Gate.

I re-start the game, play that encounter, and nothing changed. I use EEKeeper to relook at what I changed and yep everything looks good.....but in the actual game nothing. I start a new game thinking maybe it doesnt effect saved games, I port my character directly to level 3 Nashill Mines, cntr Y kill everything and nothing. They are still the originals. Also I open the game with Near Infinity, navigate to the creatures and they show as being modified.

What is up with this? Are there creature stats in two locations with EE? I see these ones I am modifying are kept in the override folder. But shouldn't they be updating in game immediately?


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  • Lum_LevitsLum_Levits Member Posts: 8
    It wasn't designed to change creatures?

    Then why is there a creature button?

    Also there it a item and spell everything doesn't work?

    Just the ability to modify player controlled characters in saved games?

    And even the original sales pitch I read on it said it was a option.

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2017
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  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,011
    edited March 2017
    the problem is, if you save your game with the original creature's statistics, then they will keep those statistics

    so lets say, there is 5 flesh golems there that have 100 HP and 3 APR that deal 50 damage, if you saved the game with those golems with those stats, then no matter what you do with EE keeper/ NI / anything, those golems will keep those stats, since the save game saved those stats

    but, if you were to load a saved game that didn't have those monsters loaded up yet, then they will have the new stats that you gave them

    so as far as your save game goes, those baddies will never be able to change with that save file, so either you need to go back a save and reload the area, or crt+Y 'em or somehow just try and get by
  • Lum_LevitsLum_Levits Member Posts: 8
    Ok, I figured out what going on. Thank you all for the replies.

    In case someone else searches this, here is the solution and problem.

    When you ad the Mega Mod using Big World Setup it installs the BG1 mods into the BGEE folder, and only them. You also have to use the icon in that folder to launch the Trilogy, if you want to play a complete game BGEE 1 through Throne of Bhaal.

    It installs BG2 mods into the BG2EE folder.

    Now this may sound like common sense, but anyone who has played/installed the older versions of Baldurs Gate Mega Mod (using Big World Setup) will know everything is installed in just the BG2 folder, including the start game icon.

    In the BGEE1+2 Mega Mod, creatures for some reason are in both folders, but if you want to edit them using EEKeeper you have to click the "settings" button, then "install directory"......then down in the "installation directory" browse your BG2EE game in place of the BG1EE. Now you can click the creature button and modify them and save them and it will work even in a saved game, provided you haven't been on that screen yet.

    So for example, by the time you usually run into Caldo and Krumm, 2 brothers looking to chop down a Dryad tree, you are around 3rd level with some decent magic weapons. Their 20hps and THAC0 of 18, is a complete joke. Now you can up them to 7th level or so, give them 120hp and THAC0 of 10 to make it a much more fair fight. If you are on that map, save, and then wont change them. So you'll have to go back to a auto-save or previous save and make the changes to experience them.

    For those of you that are not familiar with Mega Mods, they are totally worth the installation frustration. BG+BG2 Mega Mods have literally lengthened the game by about times 4. The current BGEE+BG2EE mega mod is only about times 2 from what I see, but still well worth it especially if you know the un-modded game by heart and are looking for new stuff to chomp on.

    The biggest problem I experience is game balance, which is why I use the creature editor. In the past I used Near Infinity on the older versions. This new tool, EEKeeper is easier to understand and use but lacks some of the editing functions Near Infinity has.

    I usually change the creatures as I play through a first time. This way I know about how powerful I am and how to make it a challenge. Fortunately my memory is shot, so by the time I finish a Mega Campaign...about 4-6 months....I forgot exactly what I changed, so a second play through it pretty much a blast again.

    With Near Infinity you can add newly made creatures. So you can edit a creature, save it under a different name, then actually open up the spawn script and ad what ever. So instead of being attacked by 5 Hobgoblins...I can add a Ogre Mercenary, a Hobgoblin Cleric, and 2 War Dogs to spawn with them, depending on my party level and size. It takes time and patience, but is rewarding using the many new weapons, items, armors, and spells the mega mods add to the game. I dont think Near Infinity works on EE yet, so Im referring to the Original BG1+2 mega mod which has been out for many years and near perfected. EE Mega Mod has a lot of minor bugs, so Im not going to waste alot of time editing it......but it is still very playable and so far a blast.

    Thank you again for those who responded.

  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110

    EEKeeper wasn't really designed for that AFAIK...

    It was specifically designed as a save game editor, of which embeds character and creatures. From the very beginning, it had the capability of editing characters and creatures. This isn't specific to EE Keeper, but was also included in the original Shadow Keeper. :-)
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