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Sarevok57's Mega Icewind Dale Mod is finally here and it's a big one



  • gattberserkgattberserk Member Posts: 191
    TY so much,

    So I just put in override folder and all is good right?

    I saw your mega mod actually fix the APR issue which is why I thought it will be good to follow that.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025

    So I just put in override folder and all is good right?

  • LiamChgoLiamChgo Member Posts: 44
    I recently decided to replay IWD:EE. Since I've played it several times already, I decided to look around for any mods and found this one. I figured I'd give it a try. First think I noticed was that my half-elf bard was not allowed to be any good alignment, so I settled for Chaotic Neutral. After I finished creating my party, I started the game. When I attempt to do a quick save, I get an error message that there is not enough disc space to complete the save (I have over 80 gb free on my hard drive). I can still use the save button to do a regular save game. The autosave file saves under the name "Case of plenty +1". Any trolls I encounter in the game stand still while I simply walk up to them and hack away. The same thing happens with the Barrow Wights on the barbarian burial isle. I've made it to the Luremaster and have already noticed that the harpys are exhibiting the same lack of behavior. I'm considering simply removing the mod and starting over.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    when i made this mod it was compatible with v1.4, now iWD is either 2.5 or 2.6 if you are using the beta

    so if you are playing the game with v2.x or higher there will no doubt be tons of issues

    unfortunately i haven't had the time to update this mod to be compatible with v2.x or higher

    perhaps when 2.6 goes mainstream i might work on it again, but it will take a while if that even happens at all
  • LiamChgoLiamChgo Member Posts: 44
    Yes, I'm running v2.5.17.
    Also, I forgot one other little bug. Orc shamans appear as myconids.
  • desffdesff Member Posts: 1
    This mod on the newest version of IWD EE breaks the quick save function, you receive the not enough memory error when you replace your dialog.tlk file. Any parts of the mod that might work without needing to replace that file?
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    desff wrote: »
    This mod on the newest version of IWD EE breaks the quick save function, you receive the not enough memory error when you replace your dialog.tlk file. Any parts of the mod that might work without needing to replace that file?

    this mod was made to work with version 1.4 since this mod is pretty old
  • leaderleader Member Posts: 11
    I need help with this mod ........ it generates me infinitely basilisks, the undead, the mushrooms and the trolls don't fight ........
    maybe I was wrong sth in the installation ???? thanks
  • leaderleader Member Posts: 11
    la puoi aggiornare?
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    i made this mod years ago, when the game version was only 1.4

    so if you are playing the up to date game, it no doubt will not work

    if you own the steam version you can actually revert it back to 1.4 to play it ( pretty much the only difference between 1.4 and 2.7 is that there is no shaman class )
  • leaderleader Member Posts: 11
    grazie, ma non mi fa ripristinare le versioni precedenti.........nn so perche'..............
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    leader wrote: »
    grazie, ma non mi fa ripristinare le versioni precedenti.........nn so perche'..............

    scusa se il mio italiano è pessimo, sto usando google translate. Ricordo che ai tempi, STEAM ti permetteva di giocare alle versioni precedenti dei giochi EE, ora a quanto pare, puoi solo tornare alle beta precedenti. Se vuoi puoi provare a impostare IWD EE sulla prima beta e vedere se funziona, ma in caso contrario, potremmo essere sfortunati. Ho creato questo file mod anni fa e non mi aspettavo che beamdog cambiasse così tanto con le versioni successive. Potrei fare un aggiornamento a questa mod in futuro, ma potrebbe volerci un po' di tempo, poiché ci vuole molto tempo e fatica per farlo, e di grossolano lo sto facendo gratuitamente, quindi vedremo se lo faccio qualcosa con questa mod in futuro
  • leaderleader Member Posts: 11
    steam mantiene il gioco sempre lo aggiorni magari ti do' qlcs, la tua mod mi piace!
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    sì, giuro che in passato potevi giocare alle versioni precedenti, ma immagino che STEAM abbia rimosso quella funzione. Per quanto riguarda l'aggiornamento del mod. Ho lavorato un po' su di esso (apportando ulteriori modifiche e importando alcune risorse IWD 2 per mantenere lo stesso "tema IWD" ma sarà senza dubbio un processo lungo, probabilmente ci lavorerò un po' quest'inverno, ma anche detto questo non so se lo finirò mai veramente. Come ho detto prima, è stato molto lavoro fare quello che ho fatto in origine, quindi ci vorrà un bel po' di tempo
  • leaderleader Member Posts: 11
    spero che tu riesca davvero a finirla x quest' inverno!.........ti ringrazio....resto in attesa......
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    grazie per la fede, se siamo fortunati sarà finito in futuro... ;)
  • leaderleader Member Posts: 11
    una sola cosa ...sai dirmi quali files x dare esperienza quando si memorizzano gli incantesimi e si disarmano le trappole?
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    Se disponi di uno strumento di modifica del gioco, ad esempio; "NEAR INFINITY" puoi usare quello strumento e passare attraverso i file .2da. Il file che stai cercando è; XPBONUS.2da questo file ti permette di impostare la quantità di punti esperienza per: disarmare trappole, aprire serrature e apprendere incantesimi
  • leaderleader Member Posts: 11
    ti ringrazio credo di averlo trovato........thanks!
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    sei il benvenuto amico mio :)
  • leaderleader Member Posts: 11
    volevo chiedere un'altra cosa.........come faccio a risolvere la quest di lethias alla mano mozzata? esiste una mod per caso? mi ricordo che dovevi trovare una elfa mi pare.........
  • leaderleader Member Posts: 11
    infatti me la mette nel diario non la trovo..........
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    per quanto ne so, non c'è niente di speciale con lethias. La voce di diario aggiunta sembra essere una correzione esclusiva di beamdog ed è fondamentalmente lì a scopo informativo. Non riesco a trovare XP o oggetti o ricompense date nelle linee di dialogo di Lethias. Quindi non mi preoccuperei di Lethias, non ha niente di speciale e non credo sia nemmeno uccidibile per i suoi deboli 3000 punti esperienza
  • leaderleader Member Posts: 11
    grazie mille :)
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    leader wrote: »
    grazie mille :)

    nessun problema :)
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    @sarevok57 Gotta ask the question... differently.

    Can I attempt to WeiDUfy and update this mod for maintainance? For the record Steam no longer allows IWDEE to be reverted to 1.4 (checked by multiple people) and sinxce this is among the earliest IWDEE mods, I really want to see it in some sort of longterm survivability.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    @sarevok57 Gotta ask the question... differently.

    Can I attempt to WeiDUfy and update this mod for maintainance? For the record Steam no longer allows IWDEE to be reverted to 1.4 (checked by multiple people) and sinxce this is among the earliest IWDEE mods, I really want to see it in some sort of longterm survivability.

    yeah sure give 'er, i have no idea how to use weidu, hopefully it works well for ya
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited January 2022
    Thank you! Can I also try to register the modding prefix 5S for you just to follow the modding standard (I noticed you have added a fair amount of assets which will need to be prefixed while you haven't had such a modder prefix yet)?
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    Thank you! Can I also try to register the modding prefix 5S for you just to follow the modding standard (I noticed you have added a fair amount of assets which will need to be prefixed while you haven't had such a modder prefix yet)?

    what is 5S?
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited January 2022
    Modding prefixes are used to prevent filename conflicts between each other's mods and every modder is asked to select a free prefix and then use it for their own files to prevent mods from overwriting each other's files accidentally. (For example, instead of adding a new ogre as OGRE2.CRE, due to my prefix being ZG I'd add it as ZGOGRE.CRE or following this logic, your IWDEE mod's Greater Basilisk BASILG.CRE would be 5SBASILG.CRE instead). Even Beamdog and Overhaul uses/used prefixes during EE development as BD and OH respectively.

    If you'd pick a different prefix, just look at the list and come up with a free one (unfortunately, the second character cannot be a number which is why I suggested 5S but I haven't submitted the request for that yet).

    In the meantime, I started the work in I'm still at the skeleton stage.
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