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What To Do With Mazzy?



  • FishFish Member Posts: 38
    If you are going duel wielding, @sarevok57 is right about axe usage. Alternately Scimatar isn't so bad. ToB has Spectral Band (+4 & +5 versions) and Usuno's blade +4 (1st level Watcher's Keep.) Both are great weapons. Unecnhanted Scimitars do the same damage as Axes (1d8) but have a speed factor of 5 (axes are 7.)

    Mazzy does really well as an archer. If you're not locked into duel wielding, I'd specialize in axe/scimitar and one handed style. It allows you do equip both the short bow and the axe/one handed weapon so you can switch via AI script (or manually) and get a AC bonus when in melee. You can also go with two-handed halberd as @AHF said. Two weapon style with a bow is frustrating to manage when Mazzy needs to switch between ranged and melee. I'd give the flail of ages to Viconia (cleric is limited in weapons.)
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    I'm still reading guys, I just haven't had anything to add.

    I' thinking of giving Viconia the Crom Faeyr (sp?) again. it worked out pretty well last game. Clerics get tons of buffs and her strength is naturally really low.

  • SonOfBhaalSonOfBhaal Member Posts: 7
    All this talk about Mazzy made me remember something I've always wondered but never looked up: is the voice actress for Mazzy also the voice actress for Bastila in KotOR? Sounds like the same lady to me.
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    edited November 2012
    In a good party, Mazzy is just kickass, whatever you could think at first.

    She doesn't have a good strength at first, but she has a strength spell to buff herself, and later, you can give her a belt of strength - this solves the problem.

    For her constitution, with the machine of lum the mad, she can have +1 constitution and thus have 17.
    If you give her the TOB axe, she can even have 18 constitution.

    She also has an haste spell, another morale buffing spell which is VERY nice, and the ability to heal herself.

    With a good shield she is a very proficient character.

    Axe : *****
    Short Bows : *****

    Others proficiencies at your leisure.

    Why would any good aligned party discard such a premium quality choice ?
    Post edited by Aasimar069 on
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    #SonOfBhaal Jennifer Hale has done a lot of things. Bastila, Dynaheir, Mazzy, female commander Shepard and Fall-from-Grace are just a few examples and that's not even going into her cartoon-characters. In the world of voice-acting she is a star.
  • DazzuDazzu Member Posts: 950
    Ctrl F reveals Short Sword of Action once. It's like Belm for Short Swordsmen.
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