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new spell states / extra spell slot weapons

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
edited March 2017 in General Modding
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  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    edited March 2017
    I've been using this:
    	OUTER_SET	new_ids = ~-1~
    			COUNT_2DA_ROWS 2 rows
    			FOR	(i = 0; i < rows; ++i)	BEGIN
    				READ_2DA_ENTRY i 1 2 state_label
    				PATCH_IF	~%state_label%~	STRING_EQUAL_CASE	~%label%~	BEGIN
    					READ_2DA_ENTRY i 0 2 state_id
    					SET	new_ids = state_id
    		OUTER_FOR	(i = 0; i < 256; ++i)	BEGIN
    			OUTER_SET	$occupied_spell_state(~%i%~) = 0
    		ACTION_IF	(~%label%~ STRING_EQUAL ~~)	BEGIN	FAIL	~Missing Spell State label~	END	ELSE	BEGIN
    			ACTION_IF	((~%label%~ STRING_CONTAINS_REGEXP ~ ~) = 0)	BEGIN	FAIL	~Spell State lable cannot have spaces~	END	ELSE	BEGIN
    					COUNT_2DA_ROWS 2 rows
    					FOR	(i = 0; i < rows; ++i)	BEGIN
    						READ_2DA_ENTRY i 0 2 state_id
    						SET	$occupied_spell_state(~%state_id%~) = 1
    						FOR	(i = 0; i < 256; ++i)	BEGIN
    							PATCH_IF	$occupied_spell_state(~%i%~) = 0	BEGIN
    								SET	new_ids = i
    								SET	i = 256
    								PATCH_IF	new_ids <= rows	BEGIN
    									INSERT_2DA_ROW	new_ids	2 ~%new_ids% %label%~
    								END	ELSE	BEGIN
    									INSERT_2DA_ROW	new_ids	2 ~%new_ids% %label%~
    				PATCH_IF	(new_ids = ~-1~)	BEGIN	PATCH_FAIL	~No available Spell States~	END

    Still sucks that values above 255 are unstable.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,507
    edited March 2017
    I have coded a function for my Golem Construction mod which adds new entries to free slots in IDS files, including SPLSTATE.IDS. Just note that (as already mentioned) values > 255 may not work correctly (or at all), so a heavily modded game will run out of free slots rather quickly.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2017
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  • ArdanisArdanis Member Posts: 1,736
    Detectable Spells' version, which tries to look up the name in specified .ids file, otherwise adds it to unoccupied slot.
    Can be invoked by
    LAF ds_resolve_stat INT_VAR ids=1 STR_VAR id= CUSTOM_SPELLSTATE_NAME RET stat_ind=stat_ind END
    Where "stat_ind" variable it returns is the corresponding .ids value the stat/state got assigned.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155

    Incidentally any thoughts on which weapons this should affect, other than the Zerth Blade? I already have a list of all the +spells weapons in IWDEE... are there any more in BG2 I'm not thinking of? Or in prominent mods?

    Loop through weapons and read the opcodes they're using. That way you'll catch everything.
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  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2017
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  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368

    But if the character already has a permanent 232 effect with the "hp<102%" condition (say, from a mod adding new stat bonuses), will this one fail?</p>

    As long as opcode 232 is called through opcode 177 in an external eff, by default you can stack as many as you want.

    Setting the fields at 0x90 and/or 0x94 in the EFF is what will cause multiples to fail - parent resource type and resref, but there is no limit when the fields are empty.
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  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    @subtledoctor I had an idea for another way to implement items such as this.

    Require Binding them to the character to get the full benefits, by making them undroppable & unstealable.
    You could toggle the effect with the converse button, a dialog file, and 2 spell files.

    The dialog would need 3 states:
    itemequipped + Global(%resref% "LOCALS" 0) = SetItemFlags("%resref%",10,1) + ReallyForceSpellRES "%resref%B" 
    SAY " ... bound ... GABBER ..."
    itemequipped + Global(%resref% "LOCALS" 1) = SetItemFlags("%resref%",10,1) + ReallyForceSpellRES "%resref%R"
    SAY " ... unbound ... GABBER ..."
    !itemequipped = SAY "... equip ... before ... bind ..."
    Two subspells:
    %resref%B.spl = remove effects of "%resref%R", extra spell slot effects (Timing=9), set LOCAL %resref% = 1.
    %resref%R.spl = remove effects of "%resref%B", set LOCAL %resref% = 0.

    Remove the extra spell slot effects from the item itself.

    An entry in "itemdial.2da": "itemres strref dlgres". strref would be the "converse" button label.

    While the item is bound, it cannot be moved from its slot, and you get the full benefit of its effects - the extra spell slots. You would still be able to switch to and out the other weapon slots.

    While the item is unbound, it can be freely moved around, but you would not get the extra spell slots.

    You would need to remove the effect whenever items are forcibly destroyed: SoA start, Black Dragon Bribe, some Black Pits event. Or just flag them as "Critical Item" so they cannot be destroyed.

    You could do this with any item type, or not even require the item be equipped, just kept in the inventory.
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  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    edited March 2017
    @subtledoctor, They can be used in items, yes, you can even use the same EFF for both a spell and an item - the timing mode listed in the EFF is irrelevant. I can only say to check the basics, because something is off, or upload them for another set of eyes.
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