Glint has a battle cry and maybe some other line in his sound set, I can't remember, that invokes Baravar Cloakshadow's name. As for the belt, well - Varscona's also a holy item of Shar iirc and we all know everyone loves to wield that sword, right? Mask is also a Neutral Evil deity while Glint is Neutral Good.
Glint does mention that he worships Baravar Cloakshadow and alludes to it several times in banters with certain companions. Unfortunately, I cannot recall exactly when he explicitly says so, but I know he does do it.
A mod I'm working on is going to assign Glint a kit... which deity should the kit be for?
Baravar Cloakshadow. I don't have access to the dialogue doc anymore so I can't tell you exactly where it happens, but the character mentions it a few times. My favourite is when he uses "Cloakshadow's cloak's shadow!" as an expression of awe. I seriously thought when doing the audio I was going to have to rewrite that line to make it into something easier to say, but Glint's voice performer Jacob Burgess nailed it.
A mod I'm working on is going to assign Glint a kit... which deity should the kit be for?
Baravar Cloakshadow. I don't have access to the dialogue doc anymore so I can't tell you exactly where it happens, but the character mentions it a few times. My favourite is when he uses "Cloakshadow's cloak's shadow!" as an expression of awe. I seriously thought when doing the audio I was going to have to rewrite that line to make it into something easier to say, but Glint's voice performer Jacob Burgess nailed it.
I'll have you know that line is probably my favorite he says.
Also slight tangent, but Glint Gardnersonson is probably my favorite character in the whole BG series, just over Alora and Aerie.
Yeah! Could we please have him ported to BG2? By Beamdog or modders. I'd use the Tiax and Quayle mods, pick up Jan, and make Korgan or Mazzy honourary gnomes. Shortarses to the rescue!
Also slight tangent, but Glint Gardnersonson is probably my favorite character in the whole BG series, just over Alora and Aerie.