I want to make a mod so the game has a time limit

in IWD:EE Mods
I always found the fact of not having a time limit very unchallenging and unrealistic. Even more considering one can abuse of spam resting. This is why I wanted to impose a time limit on the game so you would get a game over if the game is not finished before that time limit. I think Prince of Persia got it right by implementing that feature.
Any help on how could I tweak the game data to make this happen?
Any help on how could I tweak the game data to make this happen?
One way to have time limits pre-Spellhold have Irenicus become more dangerous as he discovers more of the Bhaalspawn's secrets. He can already annihilate Charname if the crazies aren't present, so it would not be too much of a stretch to have a mod where he learns how to strip Charname's soul at a distance with no hope of survival via cutscene. Alternatively he could just become a more difficult boss battle as time passes. Post-Spellhold the soul-stripped Charname could degenerate slowly- gradually losing stats /xp or whatever, to encourage the player not to rest & heal up at every turn!
It seems so simple... Just grab the timer and compare it to a constant "hour" value ( or day if you prefer). And if it returns false, just crash the game or whatever... I will understand what happened xD