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Romance talk triggers Guide

vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
Not sure if this information is already around, I went and had a look at the game files because i was initially puzzled how romances work in SOD (Which are area region triggered mostly).

The coordinates are a general guide to trigger it, the region is actually much bigger around those coordinates, and can fill a quarter of a map.

Some of these talks have additional criteria (mostly where you are in the plot).
Each talk corresponds with a variable which you can check e.g. bd_NeeraRomance2

I suck at formatting.

Talk | AreaCode | Area | coordinates | bcs file.

1 Bd1000 Coast Way Crossing 1324,2976 BDRom01
2 Bd7100 Troll claw woods 3556, 1276 BDRom06
3 Bd7300 Dead Mans pass 4208 604 Bdrom13
4 Bd5200 Underground river (Warrens) 1440,1340 Bdrom18
5 Bd5100 Underground River (Inside) 4064, 1540 Bdrom16
6 Bd4300 Dragonspear Castle basement Area Bd4300

1 Bd100 Coast Way Crossing 2780, 1576 Bdrom01
2 Bd7100 Troll claw woods 2916,1616 BDRom05.bcs
3 Bd3000 Coalition Camp 1976, 1164 Bdrom10.bcs
4 Bd5100 Underground River (Inside) 4064, 1540 Bdrom16
5 Bd5100 Underground River (Inside) 856, 1104 Bdrom17.bcs
6 Bd4300 Dragonspear Castle basement Portal Bdport01

1 Bd7100 Troll claw woods 1128,2288 BDRom03.bcs
2. Bd3000 Coalition Camp 1922,700 Bdrom09.bcs
3. Bd5000 Underground River top 2764, 2196 Bdrom15
4 Bd5100 Underground River (Inside) 4064, 1540 Bdrom16
5 Bd5100 Underground River (Inside) 856, 1104 Bdrom17.bcs
6 Bd4300 Dragonspear Castle basement Portal Bdport01

1 Bd2000 Boareskyr bridge 700,1300 BDRom07.bcs
2 Bd5000 Underground River Top 3760,2776 Bdrom14.bcs
3 Bd5100 Underground River (Inside) 4064, 1540 Bdrom16
4 Bd5000 Underground river top 2764, 2196 Bdrom15
5 Bd4300 Dragonspear Castle basement Portal Bdport01
6 Bd4300 Dragonspear Castle basement Area Bd4300

1 Bd100 Coast Way Crossing 2780, 1576 Bdrom01
2 Bd7100 Troll claw woods 2916,1616 BDRom05.bcs
3 Bd3000 Coalition Camp 1976, 1164 Bdrom10.bcs
4 Bd5100 Underground River (Inside) 4064, 1540 Bdrom16
5 Bd5100 Underground River (Inside) 856, 1104 Bdrom17.bcs
6 Bd4300 Dragonspear Castle basement Portal Bdport01

1 Bd2000 Boareskyr bridge 700,1300 BDRom07.bcs
2 Bd5000 Underground River Top 3760,2776 Bdrom14.bcs
3 Bd5100 Underground River (Inside) 4064, 1540 Bdrom16
4 Bd5100 Underground River (Inside) 856, 1104 Bdrom17.bcs
5 Bd4300 Dragonspear Castle basement Portal Bdport01

1 Bd2000 Boareskyr bridge 264,960 BDRom08.bcs
2 Bd7300 Dead Mans pass 3304, 968 Bdrom12.bcs
3 Bd5100 Underground River (Inside) 4064, 1540 Bdrom16
4 Bd5100 Underground River (Inside) 856, 1104 Bdrom17.bcs
5 Bd4300 Dragonspear Castle basement Portal Bdport01


  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Cool. Thank you for the list.
  • BigfishBigfish Member Posts: 367
    Awesome. This is exactly what I've been looking for.
  • Question2Question2 Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2018
    What exactly are the requirements to trigger each of these romance talks? I cannot trigger viconia's in the troll claw woods for example, even though I have walked over each of the triggers that can be seen via ctrl+4.

    Edit : Nevermind, i forgot i had to remove the racial/gender checks first.
    Post edited by Question2 on
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    edited August 2018
    Corwin: no restrictions
    Dorn: no restrictions
    Glint: PC needs to be male. Trigger: Global("bd_glint_romancecheck","global",1)
    Neera: PC needs to be male. Trigger: Global("bd_neera_romancecheck","global",1)
    Rasaad: PC needs to be female. Trigger is Global("bd_rasaad_romancecheck","global",1)
    Safana: PC needs to be male. Trigger is Global("bd_safana_romancecheck","global",1)
    Viconia: PC needs to be male and one of the following: either human, half-elf, halfling, halforc. Trigger: Global("bd_viconia_romancecheck","global",1)
    Voghiln: PC has to be female, Trigger: Global("bd_voghiln_romancecheck","global",1)

    And again the male PCs get more romances (I wasn't aware Glint is exclusively for male PCs). Dear devs, it's the female players who put the most importance on romances, at least overall! But what do I expect from a game where one of the female romance options is called by a name that reads like a raunchy version of "sex" in my native tongue... (Voghiln -> "Vögeln" and it fits his character, eh) ;)

    @vanatos I just noticed you missed Glint and Safana in your list.
  • Raven_the_HuskyRaven_the_Husky Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2021
    Thanks for this!
    Im so in love with the big bad ass Dorn?

    Im glad that he is bi. Would be disappointed if glint would be the only gay romance option ?.

    "To be honest: Dorn was the reason I bought the EE for the Switch ??"

    Post edited by Raven_the_Husky on
  • VicenVicen Member Posts: 37
    I could never get the romance talks below to activate for Corwin...after going to the warrens I tried to go back to the Underground River near the coordinates you gave...but, no such luck to get a romance talk to activate. Dragonspear Castle Basement area talk did not go off either...Corwin said she needed some time to think things over and has not said a word since. I did not pick the "friend" option or "the go away" option either.

    5 Bd5100 Underground River (Inside) 4064, 1540 Bdrom16
    6 Bd4300 Dragonspear Castle basement Area Bd4300

    I have BD romance 4 with a variable of 2 at the moment and then Corwinromance active is set to 2 as well

    Any ideas on how to proceed to activate said talks?
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