BGEE Icon tattoo

Hello all I wanted to show off my new tattoo. Size, roughly that of a woman's league softball. I am not sure on how to link a picture of it here. I loaded the pic into photobucket however it is also my Avatar here.
Looks like you plunked down some good cash for it and found a good artist too, it's pretty damn good.
I think it's really cool. I'm not one for getting icons tattoo'd because it's a bit fickle, though something like Sonic or BG might be an exception for me because those were my childhood; even if I never play the games again I will still have fond memories of playing them.
Considering you took 14 years to think about it, somehow I don't think you're going to regret it.
On a SLIGHTLY related note, I've been thinking about going to a theme park with a picture of the Baldur's Gate logo, and bringing it to one of those shirt air brushing booths and having them do it. It could look *fantastic* being all gold and sparkly just like it is sometimes displayed in-game.
I would never do a tattoo myself, because I would probably change my mind after about one month after making it :P
There are only about 1 or two people, on this little blue planet, that could make me regret something I gave considerable thought to. Let these boys and girls give their opinion, I will take it in stride and sally-forth on to my next tattoo for my left arm. The Icewind Dale icon, with the gnarly tree.
I have provided, yet another link for the picture:
Roll Tide!!
I liked the cracked skull! The Torment one is also really neat.
But don't make too many tattoos, man. One tree on plains look beautiful, but tree in a forrest is just another tree (wow. I'm deep).
That is the friggin' HOLY SYMBOL of Bhaal
I'm not sure I could live with a symbol of Bhaal on my arm though:D Sune or Mask on the other hand.
As for the Lord of Murder on my arm, yea, for some reason it slipped my mind that it was his holy symbol. Never-the-less, I love it. I am glad I made the decision to go ahead and get it done.
I plan, as I have previously stated, that I want to get the additional icons of the B.I. series of D&D games. However, my wife and I are having somewhat of an issue on how to tie the entire thing together. I would like to have some kind of filler between the icons. Not just skin wife said, yesterday as a matter of fact, that I should use some kind of steamwork pattern to weave in and out of the icons. Left arm, right arm and the upper portion of my back, below the neckline. On my back, that is a *large* portion of area.
How about giving/leaving me some ideas here. Since you are fans of the lore and obviously the best suited to give advice on tie in ink for the best D&D RPG's of all time.
Roll Tide!!
The cracks are a little darker than I'd expect them to be, but overall, excellent!