Sorry if Wrong area, adding Mods Help

Trying to download install BG1 & BG2 Tweaks (Next will be SCS, seven though I am not ready to begin using, perhaps I should do that 1st?. Basically, having issues doing so. I Downloaded BGEE, Sod, and BG2EE all through but get as DOS prompt error: Please install this in your infinity game engine game directory
I am a complete novice to modding, although I have had zero issue with EEkeeper. I would like to add this as my next step for BG and BG2ee then SCS and more. any recommendations? Is there a simple installer? Or or I just need to invest a lot more time to figure it all out?
As always, thanks for any help. I use my rig for these games IS rather old by the way, but runs then all (SoD included) with no issues.
Microsoft XP
Media Cenet Addition
version 2002
serive Pak 3
Dell Dimension DM051
Intel (R)
Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80Ghz
2.79 GHz, 2.00 GB RAM
I have a very new laptop that i use for work and some games.....but I have a perfect desk/surround system system that I get a kick out of using for my preferred (read old as dirt) games. If this one is just not an option, thats fine, but I'm pretty sure its my lack of where to install the mods is the real issue. I Plan Tweaks, SCS, and NPC project for sure...if there is a preferred order that would be appreciated as well. Thanks again all!
I am a complete novice to modding, although I have had zero issue with EEkeeper. I would like to add this as my next step for BG and BG2ee then SCS and more. any recommendations? Is there a simple installer? Or or I just need to invest a lot more time to figure it all out?
As always, thanks for any help. I use my rig for these games IS rather old by the way, but runs then all (SoD included) with no issues.
Microsoft XP
Media Cenet Addition
version 2002
serive Pak 3
Dell Dimension DM051
Intel (R)
Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80Ghz
2.79 GHz, 2.00 GB RAM
I have a very new laptop that i use for work and some games.....but I have a perfect desk/surround system system that I get a kick out of using for my preferred (read old as dirt) games. If this one is just not an option, thats fine, but I'm pretty sure its my lack of where to install the mods is the real issue. I Plan Tweaks, SCS, and NPC project for sure...if there is a preferred order that would be appreciated as well. Thanks again all!
As for the mod order, install content mods first (like BG1NPC), gameplay tweaks second.
What does this even mean "not a game directory"?
Why isn't it?
It has the name BG on it?
Why does the computer expect me to know WTF it does with anything?
"Just let me play my game, you (PC) are so much cleverer than me anyway, work it out yourself where to put things so that they work".
And reading through various threads here and other websites didn't help much because they, on the whole, seemed to speaking in chinese for all the sense they made to me
Then one post, just one post made sense.
"You need to put downloads in the place where it has the "chitin key".
Now what a "chitin key" is I am no wiser about now than I ever was, but for me, it's the equivilent to the Holy Grail and the Rosetta Stone combined.
I worship at the shrine to the "chitin key" as it has allowed me to have romances with Kivan and Edwin, play some very strange extra content and get killed numerous times because the buggers I am fighting are a lot cleverer than they used to be.