[SPOILERS] Are Bhaalspawn technically Tieflings?

I mean, if you think about it. At least the human ones, elves would be Fey'ri, half-orcs would be half-tiefling-half-tanarruk (I can't find anything on other demihuman evil planetouched, I guess those happen too rarely to warrant their own name).
I have been reading up a lot on Planescape lore lately for ... reasons ... and found out that Tieflings are the offspring of basically an evil outsider, including deities. (Up to that point I thought it only counted demons, devils and night hags.)
Bhaal is an evil deity so I guess his descendants are are tieflings?
Though of course tieflings tend to be a few generations removed from their fiendish ancestor.
My own hypothesis on this is that because Bhaal's main avatar, the Slayer (the canon one, not the ones from the games, I don't know what that one is), "looked like a human male corpse with a feral face, ivory-white skin, and deep lacerations that endlessly wept black ichor that vanished before it struck anything." (From AD&D Faiths and Avatars).
So basically what he looked like in SoD. Which is still very humanoid, so there probably wouldn't be too many funky tiefling mutations going on.
But then you have cases like Sarevok who's eyes glow golden, which looks like a proper tiefling trait to me. Also the special spell-like abilities CHARNAME can gain throughout the story?
While I do try to do my research as best as possible, I am still hardly an expert, so I'd appreciate it if people could bring in some more (counter-)evidence on the matter.
Toodles ~
I have been reading up a lot on Planescape lore lately for ... reasons ... and found out that Tieflings are the offspring of basically an evil outsider, including deities. (Up to that point I thought it only counted demons, devils and night hags.)
Bhaal is an evil deity so I guess his descendants are are tieflings?
Though of course tieflings tend to be a few generations removed from their fiendish ancestor.
My own hypothesis on this is that because Bhaal's main avatar, the Slayer (the canon one, not the ones from the games, I don't know what that one is), "looked like a human male corpse with a feral face, ivory-white skin, and deep lacerations that endlessly wept black ichor that vanished before it struck anything." (From AD&D Faiths and Avatars).
So basically what he looked like in SoD. Which is still very humanoid, so there probably wouldn't be too many funky tiefling mutations going on.
But then you have cases like Sarevok who's eyes glow golden, which looks like a proper tiefling trait to me. Also the special spell-like abilities CHARNAME can gain throughout the story?
While I do try to do my research as best as possible, I am still hardly an expert, so I'd appreciate it if people could bring in some more (counter-)evidence on the matter.
Toodles ~
I couldn't even say that they were more like aasimar, which have celestials in their background, but once again, still not deities.
Bhaalspawn are more akin to Hercules, half-mortals who had a bit of divine kinkiness in their background. They're part god. It's probably lessened since Bhaal turned into a *insert race here* instead of just using divine power to impregnate someone.
Says just servant of an evil deity. Another book had a list about different deity tiefling offsprings, such as Lolth, been trying to find that one again.
Also, the halfling equivalent of Tieflings are Wispling, I was just told.
There were even talks about aasimar with the lineage of neutral and evil deities. Think their description in either IwDII or NwN2 spoke of it.
If 2e rules stated tieflings could come from a deity, then I'd be game to completely agree.
Although, I personally would still give them -2 STR to balance things out. Given that even the official AD&D tieflings had -1 STR, +1 DEX, -1 WIS and +1 CHR. If wisplings are handled differently to the standard tieflings, then I'd imagine they should be weaker. Not stronger.
*EDIT* Looks like the D&D wiki disagrees with the Forgotten realms wiki. I wonder if they are pulling from different editions? These don't even sound like the same race.
Wispling apparently are only listed within the 3rd edition Fiend Folio.
It's FILLED with homebrew GARBAGE. I have the website blacklisted.
Edit: As a DM I HATE that website since players think it's legit and ask about using content there too often.
" the Lord of Murder, was originally a mortal and one of the Dead Three. Along with Bane and Myrkul, Bhaal took the portfolios of the ancient deity Jergal" ease of reference link: (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Bhaal)