Help needed: Killing Golems with mage

Need some quick advice. Playing a cheatkeepered dual barbarian to mage halforc. Her barbarian levels (9) was just for fun and HP, she is mainly intended to level as a mage but it's very convenient to use DUHM and Rage at the same time to max out STR. She only uses swords, katanas for dak'kon's blade. Just for fun I had planned to add all the +spell slots items to her.
Anyways, she has level 6 spells currently and are alone in the Sphere with Jan Jensen who has level 5 spells atm. She has memorized most spells she has come across so far, so she has a decent selection of standard buffers, debuffers and damage spells.
And so on to the actual question; playing mainly on insane and alone, 'cept for Jan's support arcane and thievery when needed, how can I deal with the golems in the second level of the sphere? On Insane, even without added damage, there are I think three clay golems and one iron golem spawned on each side of the demon heart machine. Buffed up and using the DoE (my best blunt weapon atm) I can take down maybe one of the golems before I am overwhelmed. I have tried to check through my spell list but can't really see what I should memorize to win this fight.
So, what can you recommend me? FYI this is not a RP playthrough and I've metagamed a bit and killed a lot of characters just for the EXP, so anything goes!
I have just built her to see for how long those 9 levels of barb can make her still decent in melee (as opposed to the classic kensai build) and then continue mainly as a mage once her melee prowess start to taper of.
Thanks guys.
Need some quick advice. Playing a cheatkeepered dual barbarian to mage halforc. Her barbarian levels (9) was just for fun and HP, she is mainly intended to level as a mage but it's very convenient to use DUHM and Rage at the same time to max out STR. She only uses swords, katanas for dak'kon's blade. Just for fun I had planned to add all the +spell slots items to her.
Anyways, she has level 6 spells currently and are alone in the Sphere with Jan Jensen who has level 5 spells atm. She has memorized most spells she has come across so far, so she has a decent selection of standard buffers, debuffers and damage spells.
And so on to the actual question; playing mainly on insane and alone, 'cept for Jan's support arcane and thievery when needed, how can I deal with the golems in the second level of the sphere? On Insane, even without added damage, there are I think three clay golems and one iron golem spawned on each side of the demon heart machine. Buffed up and using the DoE (my best blunt weapon atm) I can take down maybe one of the golems before I am overwhelmed. I have tried to check through my spell list but can't really see what I should memorize to win this fight.
So, what can you recommend me? FYI this is not a RP playthrough and I've metagamed a bit and killed a lot of characters just for the EXP, so anything goes!
I have just built her to see for how long those 9 levels of barb can make her still decent in melee (as opposed to the classic kensai build) and then continue mainly as a mage once her melee prowess start to taper of.
Thanks guys.
Until you go towards the centre, the golems on the right hand side won't trigger.
So deal with the ones on the left first.
Target the clay/stone golems who get trapped behind the iron golem before attacking it. Kill them all using the red target circles while out of range.
Has Jan got traps?
You can set a few before triggering anything, so when they break through, you get some damage in.
You would have picked up ring of the ram, try that for some damage and to give yourself a bit of space if you get mobbed.
Also staff of fire? (is that where you get it?)
Elemental summons.
Also one thing I always forget, potions of absorption help with blunt damage not just lightning.
You could also just use lots of summons.
For something a bit more exciting just buff yourself up. With stoneskins, mirrors, blur, II, improved haste, DUHM etc you would be competitive - particularly if you've got the girdle of bluntness as well. If you don't mind using resources then potions like absorption, mind focusing and power could leave them requiring criticals to hit while you probably need a critical to miss
If you want to get exotic then go to town with lower resistance to make them vulnerable to your spells.
you can find Tenser early in the game on the unseeing eye quest.
I don't have IH or tenser's yet since I did this quest fairly early. My charname have a lot of the scrolls from the vendors since I did the exploit with thieving/selling to buy the best stuff right after Irenicus dungeon. I want the EXP since this is a powergamey run with minimal party to max the EXP for charname, but going in with invisibility is a good last resort if all else fails.
What summons do you think would work best, are any summons better vs the golems than others? Also, does anyone know if the golems hit as magic weapons or normal weapons? I don't think I ever tried PFMW actually (I only tried twice before I had to quit).
Again, thanks everyone for all your support.
This is only useful if you have ranged weapons capable of taking them out. For Stone Golems, anything that's +2 or better will do. For Iron/Adamantium Golems, you'll need +3 or better. The returning dart from Watchers' Keep is perfect for this, though if you don't have it yet you can't exactly leave and get it. As @Ammar mentioned, there's always Melf's Minute Meteors, which hit as a +5 weapon. You'll have to do a lot of resting, but beggars can't be choosers.
Clay Golems are immune to piercing damage, which includes all ranged weapons, (even throwing hammers!), so no such luck with them. But once stripped of their Iron/Stone escorts, they're usually doable on their own.
Typically problems like this are why Planar Sphere and Planar Prison are saved for later in a run; they're the only two quests where if things go sideways, you can't just leave and come back later.