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I've just pre-ordered.


  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    Glad to meet you. Not sure it needs a new topic, but welcome! Hope you enjoy bantering with we BG:EE fans.
  • loganultimaloganultima Member Posts: 109
    Thank you, lovely to be a part of the community.
  • Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259
    Hello and welcome! Have you ever played the original BG before?
  • loganultimaloganultima Member Posts: 109
    edited November 2012
    I am ashamed to say I have not, though I have played BG2 at one point...which is weird not having played the first one and not having experienced the story from the start, though I'll take much pleasure in playing BG:EE and thus filling all the missing holes ;P
  • ElzarathElzarath Member Posts: 173
    Welcome! You're in the same shoes as me mate! I got the original BG when I was younger but it didn't work :( so we took it back and I got BGIi instead!

    Couple years ago I finally got a copy of BG but never got to finish it before having to return it.
  • allhailsteveallhailsteve Member Posts: 210
    I played my original BG so much that the discs take a lot of coaxing if I ever try to install on a new machine! I haven't had time to play for some time though but I'm very excited about BGEE and will make the time to play it!
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    First time I got BG1 I thought " FIVE cds? Whoah, this must be pretty epic!"
  • Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259

    I am ashamed to say I have not, though I have played BG2 at one point...which is weird not having played the first one and not having experienced the story from the start, though I'll take much pleasure in playing BG:EE and thus filling all the missing holes ;P

    I tried it out about 12 years ago but it wasn't my game so I never got to play it through so this will be my first time too! I've never played BG2, there's no way I could play a sequel without finishing the first. It would be the same for me as watching a movie sequel before seeing the original.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    Well, @Kristie83, you should be careful not to pick up too many spoilers in here! A lot of recommendations are sort of for power gaming. I think you should make a character you want to play and play that character. See the whole story and hopefully have a blast!
  • GloktaGlokta Member Posts: 97
    Pre-ordered it as well a few days ago - can't wait to sink my teeth into this legendary game yet again, tis been to long!

    Can't for the life of me manage to decide what class/aligenment/party setup to run this time..
    I always spend god knows how long on the character creation trying to decide :)
  • Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259
    @reedmilfam I find that there are so many spoilers that I can't remember any of them, lol! I don't know the story itself so the spoilers don't mean anything to me anyway. I like to read how others make their characters and how they like to play, but in the end I'll end up making my own character and just having fun with it. I have found a lot of handy info of what not to do which is good. I hate hitting a wall stat/character-wise and not being able to progress.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    @Kristie83 I meant that some things will be solvable on your own and finding the answer here will make it sort of simple, I guess. Anyway, it's coming SOON. Just over 2 weeks.
  • Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259
    @reedmilfam Yeah, once its out and I start playing I'll have to be more careful around here I guess. Right now the spoilers I see don't make any sense but they will if I see them once I get going. 2.5 weeks!!! Yay! getting really excited!
  • sepottersepotter Member Posts: 367
    Congratulations, I personally I preordered within the first couple hours it was available, but all that really means is I've been waiting in anticipation longer. Glad to have you aboard the bgee train, hopefully preloading begins soon.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    edited November 2012
    The problem of reading spoilers before playing a game for the first time is that while they may not make sense when you read, you'll still remember them and the moment the situation you read about starts to happen the memory will hit you with full force as you suddenly understand what is going on and remember the "future".

    That's a reason I avoid reading anything about games I haven't completed yet. I like to discover things in the games I play.

    And yet, after all these years I have found out things about these games I had never known, and would probably have never discovered as they require playing in a very different way of what I usually do.

    So @Kristie83 for your enjoyment stay away from the spoiler threads and come participate on our most insane and funny ones. :)
    Post edited by mlnevese on
  • loganultimaloganultima Member Posts: 109
    Thanks for all the welcomes, glad to see a warm and active community around the BG games.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    I try to only read Walkthroughs etc. (like those in the excellent Dudleyville: ) after I've done particular sections lots of times before, otherwise it really does spoil the game. There is some other advice here that is realtively spoiler-free, though, e.g. the excellent spell guides:

    For some superb spoiler-free advice, I would head to:

    Also, this site is *mostly* spoiler-free:'s_Gate

    Another (though not spoiler-free) great resource is: (I use this mostly for checking what weapons and armour are available, though it doesn't tell you all the abilities of each)
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    edited November 2012
    hy and well meet:)
  • Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259
    mlnevese said:

    The problem of reading spoilers before playing a game for the first time is that while they may not make sense when you read, you'll still remember them and the moment the situation you read about starts to happen the memory will hit you with full force as you suddenly understand what is going on and remember the "future".

    That's a reason I avoid reading anything about games I haven't completed yet. I like to discover things in the games I play.

    And yet, after all these years I have found out things about these games I had never known, and would probably have never discovered as they require playing in a very different way of what I usually do.

    So @Kristie83 for your enjoyment stay away from the spoiler threads and come participate on our most insane and funny ones. :)

    Yes, you are right about them making sense later. I have for the most part avoided any plot-related spoilers. I probably will remember some of the NPCs names though just because they are all over the place around here. I appreciate your warnings and I'll try my best to stay away from them. :)

    @Oxford_Guy Yeah, I only consult a walkthrough if I'm really really stuck, If I think I'm missing something big, or if its my second play-through and I want to play a different way. I'll be checking out the links you provided, especially the spell guide. Thanks a lot!
  • RajickRajick Member Posts: 207
    edited November 2012
    Pre ordered months ago about a week before its release was pushed back then my wife heard me grown a week later lol
  • kansasbarbariankansasbarbarian Member Posts: 206
    I also just pre-ordered. Can't wait to play again.
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