Game Banshee site down??

This is particularly annoying as it has a good SoD walkthrough that I am using in a current run-through to find things I missed. Any news on this? I think it has been down 2 days now.
The GB one is great for the item breakdowns, so hopefully they will have their site up again at some point.
For some reason I can't get access to, country internet blocking issues...
Is it possible that you post your walkthrough, hmm,, here? Thanks.
Again, sorry!
Hi everyone, we debuted a new design and some architectural upgrades to GameBanshee earlier this week, and those changes introduced problems with our database that made the site very slow and entirely unresponsive at times.
We made the decision to take the site offline to address these issues, and unfortunately working with a database that contains 17 years' worth of content is a little unwieldy, so things are taking longer than we'd like them to. We will be back online as soon as we can - thanks for your patience!