Ok, an other F/M/T thread

"Désolé pour mon anglais, je suis français"
I have few questions about F/M/T:
1) I like F/M and F/T and I like 5 NPC + Charname parties. I never played à FMT, but do you think, there is enough xp from BG to TOB including SoD? Or FMT in a full team is a Waste?
Is there a big difference between a 4-5 members party without SOD or a 6 members party with SOD?
2) I know, I know, dual CF ( celestial fury then Crom) + Scarlet Ninjato in offhand is maybe the best in slot but what do you think of playing two handed sword (Caso?) + Qstaf (for BS) ??
Thank you for your advise!
"Désolé pour mon anglais, je suis français"
I have few questions about F/M/T:
1) I like F/M and F/T and I like 5 NPC + Charname parties. I never played à FMT, but do you think, there is enough xp from BG to TOB including SoD? Or FMT in a full team is a Waste?
Is there a big difference between a 4-5 members party without SOD or a 6 members party with SOD?
2) I know, I know, dual CF ( celestial fury then Crom) + Scarlet Ninjato in offhand is maybe the best in slot but what do you think of playing two handed sword (Caso?) + Qstaf (for BS) ??
Thank you for your advise!
2. I dont get the question, but what I can say is that two handes swords cannot backstab. Thats not a problem though, you can have a backstab weapon that you exit invisibility / hide with, and then switch to twohanded once it is not possible to backstab no more. A FMT gets lots of PiPs, more than he knows what to do with.
it's my point, BS with QS and then switch for a two handed sword!
You play your FMT in a full team?
Other than that fmt is too powerful even underleveled, Foa+5 plus Apr+1 off hand is arguably the most damaging dual option, if you don't mind exploits, give them to your fmt, or K>M if you have one.
Corm is better off-handed, with Foebane at main hand.
However, when running solo FMT may well offer utility you don't want to do without.
Anyone knows the xp gain with SOd?
When a F/M/T hits mage level 2, a pure mage will still just be mage level 3. When a F/M/T hits mage level 3, a pure mage will still be mage level 4. When a F/M/T hits 4 a mage will be 5, when a F/M/T hits 5 a mage will hit 7, F/M/T 6 = mage 8, F/M/T 7 = mage 9, F/M/T 8 = mage 10, F/M/T 9 = mage 11, F/M/T 10 = mage 12, F/M/T 11 = mage 13.
That makes multiclasses super-duper-awesome in BG1, SoD, and early BG2. You're trading 1-2 mage levels for the extra APR of a fighter *AND* the full suite of thief skills. It's a fantastic trade.
The problem comes after mage level 13, which is the first linear level-up. Starting at 13, mages gain a new level for every 375k experience, a linear progression. And this causes multiclasses to start lagging *badly*. By the time the F/M/T hits level 12, a pure mage would be level 16. This means the F/M/T just got his first level 6 spell, but the pure mage just got his first level 8 spell. And things only get worse from there; under a linear leveling progression, every level-up by the triple class will be accompanied by three levels by the pure class. The pure mage will unlock his 9th-level spells before the triple-class even gains another level, for instance.
By the time the F/M/T gets level 7 arcane spells, the pure mage will have three level 9 spells. By the time the F/M/T earns level 8 spells, (if they even do learn level 8 spells before the end of ToB, which they might not in a full party of 6), the pure mage will have capped out his entire spell progression.
Since high-level mages are the most powerful characters in BG2, this means a F/M/T will go from the most powerful character in the early game to kind of middling later on. Which is fine; Archers make the same transition, for example, and it's totally worth it because of how crazy they are in BG1 and early BG2. It's just that in the end-game, it's better to think of the triple-class as a Fighter/Thief with a few arcane spells than as a full-fledged mage like he was in the early game.
But on the other hand, you need to get thief skills somewhere, and a F/M/T is a decent place to do it. It's going to be one of the more entertaining and reliable classes that can disarm traps.
Really, it's HLA vs. lvl9 spells for the most part, and the usual MC conundrum of losing out on Grand Mastery. Decide whether UAI and Fighter HLAs is worth it for you, and how grave of a QoL improvement thieving skills are for you (and, I guess, if you like backstabbing).
One argument that can be made is Mislead + Backstab, which I guess pairs nicely with Fighter HLAs. Personally I find that too cheesy for my own taste, but it's impressive damage to be sure. Then again, Mage/Thief can do that, too, but with Black Blade of Disaster...
Around the time you're leaving for Spellhold, that'll stop being the case and your mage progression is going to start feeling super slow. Which is fine if all you want is a F/T with arcane support, but if you've gotten used to crazy-good OP flavor that is multiclasses during geometric XP scaling, it can come as a bit of a switch.
Mages are really the only characters who continue to gain noticeable power at higher levels; most of the other classes are just grinding out HLAs, (which Fighters and Thieves are arguably the best at, thanks to Spike Trap and Greater Whirlwind). So that slower progression typically starts feeling frustrating for me. Doesn't make F/M/T a bad character at higher levels, it just makes it more like the Archer kit, where it's really at the peak of its power curve in BG1 / SoD and it starts slowing down to merely "good" late in the game.
Why did you say that f/m/t start to fall off after leaving Spellhold, they may not even get a single HLA by then. Their true potential shines with fighter, thief HLAs whose number is greater than any pure class as you progress in levels and their dps is highly depend on them.
BG series, especially in LoB settings where enemies have increased HP and ST, the most reliable damage output comes from physical, not magic, a dual wielding f/m/t is best used with Improved Haste, Critical Strikes/Assassination, not GW and their CS usage numbers will be more than sufficient for the entire fight. Their magic are mostly used for defensive pre-buffs, which saves their battle rounds for activating CS, not healing, for constant physical damage output. They are not used for blasting spells.
Again, there’s really no point compared them to pure magic users who’re better at other staffs.
Killed shank 20 XP, shows as 6/6/6. Killed a rat 1 XP, shows as 7/7/7.
Dual classing is the more interesting discussion.
Then again I almost never dual class when it would matter for an exact cap amount
I though the most effective combo for FMT or FM (without a 25 strength PNJ) is Crom in MH and +1 Apr in OH. island king, you say Crom in OH is better? I don't understand!