Recommend me modules for Neverwinter Nights 2
So I'm sort of just derping and wasting time before PS:T:EE comes out and figured I would play some modules for Neverwinter Nights 2. I know of BG reloaded, Icewind Dale in NWN2, and Wulverheim but can I have some other recommendations? Both single player modules and persistent servers are welcome. Would prefer if they are compatible with Kaedrin's PRC but if not that is ok. Preemptive thanks! n_n
It is definitely a love letter to the Baldur's Gate games (More the first one), but you're the villain. There's even a recruitable NPC that worships the Bhaalspawn. The starting quests are all different depending on your class (let's you pick if it can't detect your class, like if you're using Kaedrin's PRC, which it's compatible with). Once you get out of the starting area, it gets to be very free roaming exploration where you can go all around a huge chunk of western Faerun, with nobody telling you where to go (There's a hints file if you get completely stuck on the main quest).
It also let's you play evil the way you want. You can be smart evil, or bwahaha evil, or something else. For instance you can say you don't believe in slavery. NPCs, while evil, have motivations, one for instance does care about his family. There's nothing technically keeping you from making a good or neutral character, but you'll be evil pretty fast with the choices you're presented with.
The dialog is really well done for a mod, and has some parts that left me dying of laughter "Why is it that all Paladins carry great swords? Do you think they're compensating for something?" Kvas, the gnome companion is basically the anti Jan Jansen.
It's decent length, think over 20 hours if you do everything, and you can get over level 20. Probably my favorite module ever.
Dark Waters was also pretty sweet
It's fully voice acted, and implements psionics and ships in a pirate flood world type setting. Been forever since I loaded it up, but I do remember it having some game breaking bugs, so save often in different slots. Only mod I enjoyed more was PoE.
I also really love Conan Chronicles series of modules.
Path of Evil
Tragedy at Tragidore
The Maimed God Saga
Lake of Sorrows
Dark Waters
Subtlety of Thay
A Hunt Through the Dark
Pool of Radiance
BG in NWN2
NWN2 is becoming my favorite game ever between SoZ, MotB, and these modules. I also need to do Mysteries of Westgate but it’s not compatible with Kaedrin’s PRC though neither was Misery Stone.
Oh wow, thanks a lot! I'll have to check it out and see if it's that one.