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Is "Banter Accelerator" included among adopted Qwinn's fixes?

KrajzenKrajzen Member Posts: 4
Hi all,

First, I wanted to thank developers for the upcoming piece of art :) Planescape: Torment is my favourite video game by far
I have one pretty important question though, and I failed to find answer to it in FAQ.

To quote torment wiki:
"Banter with companions in the original game is rare and it is possible to miss the vast majority of it (only 12 out of the 78 fully-voiced banters play)[2]. Qwinn's Tweak Pack contains a banter accelerator that fixes this problem, allowing most of the conversations to appear in one playthrough."

Further explanation of the issue of the original game and how the fix worked with this mod is here

Now, I know that devs decided to include "most" of Qwinn's fixes. I am simply curious if this thing is in - it was one of the most important P: T mods for me. It was terrible how rare and limited banter was for its great quality.

Thanks for answers.


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,767
    Qwinn's Banter Accelerator is a part of his PST Tweakpack (not his Fixpack).

    It wasn't included in PST:EE.
  • QueegonQueegon Member Posts: 363
    I have to ask though, how is not including banter accelerator deterring from the original feel of the game to warrant not including it?

    I really really hope the tweaks from various modders are soon updated because banter accelerator is yuuge. And so is saving Nordom among other tweaks.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,503
    'Qwinn's Banter Accelerator' is not included in PST:EE (which is actually an exe hack and therefore not applicable for PST:EE). But since the game is based on the EE engine it should be a simple matter to change banter frequency to any value you like.
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947
    Hoping it has not been hardcoded.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,767
    I think there's a difference in how the game plays when banters happen at a different rate.
  • QueegonQueegon Member Posts: 363
    Sure, but quoting from the original "why", seeing the same 12 banters instead of tens more in any given playthrough is dumb.
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