Baldur's Gate NPC headcanon thread!
I want to hear everyone's little headcanons about the Baldur's Gate NPC's. Since so many of us here have roleplayed our way through the games at one point or another, I'm sure we have plenty of them.
I'll start it off by saying that I've always viewed Xan as a fallen idealist. I think that at one point in his life he was optimistic, excited, and ready to make a difference, but after decades of doing his duty as a protector of elvenkind, he's just seen too many things go wrong, too many friends die pointless death, too many of his efforts come to naught, and he's become disillusioned. Honestly, just the extent of his pessimism sort of suggests this kind of change. Fallen idealists often make the most jaded cynics of them all, after all.
I believe this is reflected in his name. Moon elves usually have two first names, the one they're referred to during childhood, and one they choose themselves once they become adults and go out into the world. This would mean Xan chose his own name. This is significant because of the etymological meaning of the name "Xan". It comes from the Greek "xenios", meaning "to protect" or "to defend". The literal meaning of the name "Xan" is "one who protects/defends". I always liked to think this meant Xan pretty much defined himself by his duty to protect elvenkind, and if he chose that name, well he must have thought he'd be able to live up to it at the time.
I'll start it off by saying that I've always viewed Xan as a fallen idealist. I think that at one point in his life he was optimistic, excited, and ready to make a difference, but after decades of doing his duty as a protector of elvenkind, he's just seen too many things go wrong, too many friends die pointless death, too many of his efforts come to naught, and he's become disillusioned. Honestly, just the extent of his pessimism sort of suggests this kind of change. Fallen idealists often make the most jaded cynics of them all, after all.
I believe this is reflected in his name. Moon elves usually have two first names, the one they're referred to during childhood, and one they choose themselves once they become adults and go out into the world. This would mean Xan chose his own name. This is significant because of the etymological meaning of the name "Xan". It comes from the Greek "xenios", meaning "to protect" or "to defend". The literal meaning of the name "Xan" is "one who protects/defends". I always liked to think this meant Xan pretty much defined himself by his duty to protect elvenkind, and if he chose that name, well he must have thought he'd be able to live up to it at the time.
But since they didn't get anything and they most likely won't get anything just shows how much the new NPCs are favored, compared to the rest. Guess it is marketing, still sucks.
Actually, it's because their contract doesn't allow them to modify any of the existing NPCs in that fashion. Either way, it just allows us more room to think up headcanons, amirite?
Well I for one am excited for the new NPCs and anything BGEE has to offer, and will not stop being excited or hopeful that it will be awesome unless I play the game and am proven wrong.
1) her brother attacks their mother but doesn't kill her (freeing her up for the Do'Urdens) Attacking a matron mother and failing is still grounds for Drider transformation.
2) instead of fleeing directly to the surface, she spends the better part of the next century running away from Lloths agents in other drow cities and underdark settlements. Going to the surface is the last resort and probably happened in the last 2-3 years before BG1 starts.
There are alot of underdark settlements in FR lore, not all of them are so pro Lloth. Having a drow in your party that has been on the surface for 100 years + and hasnt caught on the fact that poeple will want to kill her on site is abit silly.
The rationale for Edwin is that personal power is a big motivator for him, and under the PC's leadership he'll eventually end up one of the most powerful mages in the Realms, as opposed to hanging around in Athkatla under Mae'var. For all his talk, I believe he's smart enough to see where he's got the most to gain, and that he would be ready to put up with a whole lot to get that, including people thinking he's a hero.
For Viconia it's a combination of early on knowing very well how dependant she is on the party for her continued well-being, and later on simply being too fond of the PC to want to leave.
dammit stop making me spit the water I'm drinking out all over my keyboard.
..Remember that one time in that BG2 mod that adds Xan in? When Minsc tells Xan that he should totally hold Boo because Boo will cheer him up and then Xan is all like Minsc get that rodent away from me, I'm allergic?
ahahahahahaha oh gog why
...Totally crackshipping one-sided Minsc/Xan now.