Can we have some patches now?

Since PT:EE is out now I'm hoping maybe we could have a couple patches for the Baldur's Gates and Icewind Dale, before you start on whatever your next project is? Pretty please? BG(II) still doesn't have Priest of Tempus, ID doesn't have Shaman and quite a few options. Still waiting for the remainder of BG's cut scenes as well.
I do hope for at least one more patch too. At the very least I expect un-ruining of the UI.
I would also like if the "Increased spawns" component of the Insane difficulty actually worked in BG/BG2/ToB. That'd be nice.
Edit: my bad, I thought you've said in BG/BG2/ToB. Whoops.
2.4 has been confirmed, right?
I need my enhanced colour selection sliders in Icewind Dale...