PSTEE Modding Questions
1) In the character record, the character's faction takes a prominent location with a circular graphic and associated text on mouse over. What defines which graphic/text are used here? It is UI based or it is somehow externalized within 2das or other game files.
1a) How do I add new frames to STFCTION.bam and make them link to the various factions a character can possess? (Say, for example, I want to add an Athar faction symbol and tooltip).
2) What controls the slots available in a character's inventory screen? Is it accessible/customizable beyond what is already present in game?
1a) How do I add new frames to STFCTION.bam and make them link to the various factions a character can possess? (Say, for example, I want to add an Athar faction symbol and tooltip).
2) What controls the slots available in a character's inventory screen? Is it accessible/customizable beyond what is already present in game?
Post edited by Aquadrizzt on
2) I think only the slots inside of the creature are available or did I get your question wrong?
I don't think you can add more than that...
1) I'm not asking about Bestiary; I'm asking about Factions. More specifically, having figured out how the UI works, how do I add new frames to STFCTION.bam and make them link to the various factions a character can possess? (Say, for example, I want to add an Athar faction symbol and tooltip).
2) -1 in the inventory of a .cre file just means that the slot is empty, not that it is unusable.
Slots are defined between the (new) file: "ITMSLOTS.2DA", and the (old) files: "ITEMTYPE.2DA" and "SLOTS.IDS".
PST Creature files also store their number of item slots in the CRE file, at offset 0x7c.
Haven't experimented with any of it yet.
You can't change item flags to allow their class? Whether or not an NPC is allowed to use an item (as far as I know) is just decided by the flags in that particular item file.
To contrast, the "Select Spell" button works for creatures whether or not they are in the party, as long as they are a spell-casting class.
- Animation type: PST:EE uses animation type F000 for all of its animations. This type is special, as it supports running creatures, or special animations such as TNO waking up on the slab in the Mortuary. Other animation types are still partially supported, but don't provide all the features you would expect from a PST animation.
- Animation scale: This is not about visibility itself, but PST:EE animations are about 33% bigger than their BG/IWD counterparts. Your creatures would look out of place, unless the reduced size is intended.
All you need is
- The xxxx.INI file, which defines the creature animation properties
- BAM animation files of the creature (depends on animation type)
- Optional BMP palettes, WAV sounds, etc. that are referenced in the INI file
- A new entry in ANIMATE.IDS corresponding to xxxx.INI. This one is not strictly needed by the game itself, but it helps to assign the right animation to your CRE file.
I have attached an archive containing animations ported from BG2EE to PSTEE, that I originally prepared for a discontinued idea for my Djinni Companion mod, and an example creature . See screenshot:
Animation has been rescaled, but otherwise uses the same animation type (7000) and resources from BG2EE.
Afaik, PST:EE reads bestiary information from the BGEE.LUA and might only work with type F000 animations.