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There and back again...a Planescape save file story (IOS -> PC -> IOS)

urthmoverurthmover Member Posts: 3
I can successfully start a game on IOS, then save the game and export using the tap-hold method on the quick save button. Next, I save the 000000001-Quick-Save.pstsave to a network file share using IOS app called FileBrowser.

On my PC, I rename 000000001-Quick-Save.pstsave to and decompress the archive into the local planescape save directory (on my PC).

The game starts up correctly using the save from the IOS device.

I then play the game on the PC and save it.

I then compress the save directory as a .zip and rename it as a .pstsave and copy the .pstsave to the network file share.

Now on the IOS device, I use FileBrowser to navigate to the network file share, use "Open In" on the .pstsave file and select Planescape.

Sadly when Planescape on IOS opens, the "newly imported" save file is not present in the Load Game menu.

Is my procedure valid? Is there something that needs to be changed for PC -> IOS save games to work?

Thanks in advance


  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,872
    edited April 2017
    On your PC, go into the directory, select the gam, sav and other files and compress them without a folder and rename that to pstsave. Compressing the folder will have the iOS device create 000000001-Quick-Save/000000001-Quick-Save rather than 000000001-Quick-Save
    Post edited by Gate70 on
  • urthmoverurthmover Member Posts: 3
    That was it, I was compressing the entire save directory, instead of just the .gam and .sav files. When I compress only those two files, the save game loads on the IOS device with no problems. Thank you very much for the help!
  • taclanetaclane Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 364
    @urthmover Also, if you plan on shuffling files back and forth pretty often, third-party tools make the process even easier!

    I use iExplorer since it works well enough for free, but there are others programs out there too. You can use them to simply move entire PST:EE save folders on/off iOS.

    Alternatively, if you want to still use the .pstsave method, you should be able to drag-and-drop the .pstsave onto torment.exe and it will take care of all the unzipping/importing automatically. However, I don't think there's a method to generate .pstsaves on PC to simplify beaming them back over to your tablet.
  • urthmoverurthmover Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for the suggestion taclane. I'm considering setting up a incron/inotify task to do the file manipulations each time a save hits the network file share.
  • taclanetaclane Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 364
    urthmover said:

    Thanks for the suggestion taclane. I'm considering setting up a incron/inotify task to do the file manipulations each time a save hits the network file share.

    Very cool. Automation is always the best solution to life's repetitive tasks! :smiley:
  • proccoprocco Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 915
    thanks for this useful thread!
  • XoanexyapXoanexyap Member Posts: 2
    I just tried this technique and it's not working anymore.
  • XoanexyapXoanexyap Member Posts: 2
    Sorry, clarification. This technique doesn't work with Google Drive app. It does something to bungle the file up. But I tried it again with the Drop Box iOS app and it works fine!
  • dsi2dsi2 Member Posts: 1
    Another way to get saves from PC to IOS:
    1. compress .gam and .sav file into archive
    2. rename to .pstsave
    3. send it to yourself with e-mail, open mail on your Ipad
    4. open attachment, choose PST to open it with
    5. should work
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