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Chatty Kivan. Super chatty, unable to walk 10 feet without convo

stauronstauron Member Posts: 8
Modded with lots of things, but I can't add Kivan to my party because he WON'T STOP TALKING.

I have Montaron, Neera, Viconia and Dorn in the party.


  • StalkingwolfStalkingwolf Member Posts: 22
    Try exhausting all of his convo?
  • stauronstauron Member Posts: 8
    I hit every one. It is his "brooding look" starter message, but never progresses. I'll double check and maybe drop Dorn to see if there is something there. Thanks.
  • stauronstauron Member Posts: 8
    Just doublechecked. I hit every option multiple times in different orders, I removed the entire party except Kivan. When he is out of sight of the main character he shuts up. Otherwise every couple seconds he initiates again.

    I was able to go talk with Thal and even go fight (and die) but always with banter.
  • Mantis37Mantis37 Member Posts: 1,177
    Did you mod it yourself or use BWS?
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,805
    edited May 2017
    This sounds like the player initiated dialogue from BG1NPC Project popping up repeatedly? This is a sign of another dialogue trying to intiate but the variables don't match so the intended dialogue doesn't fire meaning the variable can't close so the script just keeps firing. Have you experience with using NI? If yes, install the stutter debug tool (don't be scared because it's all in German) to your game with focus on Kivan's script (i.e., before installing the stutter debug tool, replace the ~########.bcs~ in the tp2 with ~kivan.bcs~ for BG:EE) and post here the script block that is the culprit.

    EDIT: found the English tutorial concerning stutter debug: How to gather clues when debugging stuttering
  • stauronstauron Member Posts: 8
    Thanks for the additional info.

    @Mantis37 I used BWS to mod (MANY MANY TIMES :smiley: ) to try and get the acolyte of Mask to work. I'm not sure, really, which mods I ended with before I just started adventuring.

    @jastey I have no experience with NI.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,805
    Concerning the mods in your game: the weidu.log in your main game folder should list them.

    You would need NI to have a look at the script that keeps on firing. You could also decompile it using weidu.
  • XzanahXzanah Member Posts: 145
    Aw man, I thought this was a question on how to GET a chatty Kivan. :smirk:
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