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Planescape Torment LP question

raltusraltus Member Posts: 1
I have done some searching and found a couple old posts about it but I thought I'd check anyway rather than assume.

I am wondering if the policy on Lets Plays is still the same as previously stated. Planescape Torment has always been on the top of my list if I ever started doing videos and I had looked at Interplay's policy before but didn't find anything. Given the state of the company last I looked I figured it would be unlikely until it came up in my Steam suggested games.

I'm just getting started, though slowly improving. I did a test run with the software I am using to see if PST:EE would crash like the original and it ran fine from the start to the title screen, though the mouse cursor distorted in the video.


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,768
    Hi there, @raltus.

    We actually encourage Let's Plays with our products. Go for it!
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