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Turning off constant status updates for Hide in Shadows (or any other action)

I saw an archived forum post about this and I figured I'd post the solution for anyone searching the topic.

I use a script whereby my thief is constantly hiding if not explicitly attacking or searching for traps. Especially in earlier levels when the thief abilities aren't as high, this leads to the constant "Hide in Shadows Succeeded" & "Leaving Shadows" status updates, along with the audio "I am hidden" or whatever your soundset uses.

If you want to leave Feedback Messages enabled for everything except this, the fix is:

1. Delete the .wav file associated with hiding. e.g. for Female set 1 it's Female15.wav, set 2 Female25.wav, etc.

If you want to silence an NPC (e.g. Viconia), extract her soundset into the sounds directory, delete her hiding .wav file, and then choose her soundset in-game. (i.e. Instead of Female1 to 4, you'll see Viconia as an option where everything is exactly the same as before, except you've deleted the one 'I'm hidden' file for her. To figure out which wav file is the 'hiding' one, you'll have to play them in something like VLC Player. (at least for me, WMP doesn't seem to handle these very old wav file formats without additional codec's).

3. For the text status updates, blank out the appropriate strref in Enginest.2da, and save to override. See attached file as a guide (I've blanked out the hiding messages and the detecting traps messages for my game).

(It seems .2da is not an allowed file type here, so I saved the file as Enginest.txt)

archived post:

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