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Use Dustman Robes Outside of Mortuary

MaciaszMaciasz Member Posts: 8
There is a part of Qwinn's old Tweak Pack which allows one to wear the Dustman Robes outside of the Mortuary. Since it is a more prefferable option rather than changing the character model outright, is it possible to add this sub-mod here, as an override file? Pretty please.


  • MaciaszMaciasz Member Posts: 8
    No, this is not it. This one changes, in a permanent fashion, the appearance of TNO. The mod I'm talking about simply allowed one to wear the Robes, in a regular manner, outside of the Mortuary.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,501
    That's probably the closest you can get for now since this check is hardcoded. Even Qwinn's Tweak Pack for original PST had to modify the game executable to make it possible.
  • MaciaszMaciasz Member Posts: 8
    That's really too bad. Just a side question: other than the "standing up from the Mortuary slab" animation, does changing the skin influence any other non-combat animations?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,501
    There is also a single frame "lying down" animation for the TNO, but I don't know where it is used. Maybe it's coupled with the special waking up in Mortuary animation.

    The Dustman animation is missing several minor animation sequences (such as fidget or talk animations), but in the worst case it will probably only display a static graphics of the last used animation frame or skip the sequence altogether.
  • TremontonTremonton Member Posts: 16
    edited May 2017
    I found a sort of halfway solution to this, which I've described at the bottom of this page:

    Basically I haven't been able to hardcode any animation changes to a piece of armor, but I found you can add an animation change effect to a consumable and use it from the quick-item bar to switch between TNO's default appearance and anything else.

    The complication is that, for the Dustman and Zombie disguises in particular, I had to create duplicates of the animations and add them to the appropriate indexes. Once I did that, however, linking the "animation change" effect to those "new" animations worked just fine.

    To make the transformation reversible, I just created a "loincloth" consumable that switched TNO's animation back to his standard fists animation (if he has a weapon equipped, that's accounted for, so he's not stuck in the fists animation forever). Just make the consumables inexhaustible and you've got a reversible at-will disguise.

    You can even use this method to switch TNO to animations like wizards or Curst townies, however that also requires you to change TNO's pallet, otherwise the human animation will be all weird-looking. I had to play around for a bit to figure out exactly what colors in Near Infinity correspond to actual colors in-game, but I managed to get it to where TNO has a cowl disguise that makes him look like a gray-and-white palleted Curst Townie (I liked the idea of TNO traveling incognito as "Adahn.") Note that changing TNO's pallet doesn't actually change his base appearance, since his base appearance is custom-made, for lack of a better term, and doesn't rely on a color pallet the way a harlot or townie does (other party members, special NPCs and certain standard NPCs like collectors are the same way; their colors are pre-set and never change).
    Post edited by Tremonton on
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