Infinity Engine vs 3D environment

I made a poll to know the preference of people around here. So, do you prefer IE pre-rendered backgrounds to 3D environment ?
I for one much prefer IE aesthetic to 3D environment. Maybe that's because I studied history of art in college, but I think pre-rendered background are much more beautiful than 3D environment, because they kind of remind me of the work of past masters. I just can't seem to care much about 3D environments.
It might be because I'm an older gamer who's use to simpler aesthetic (I like the Wizardry series, for example), but I think it's also because I like how pre-rendered represent a universe. The style appeals to me.
So, what's your personal preference ?
I for one much prefer IE aesthetic to 3D environment. Maybe that's because I studied history of art in college, but I think pre-rendered background are much more beautiful than 3D environment, because they kind of remind me of the work of past masters. I just can't seem to care much about 3D environments.
It might be because I'm an older gamer who's use to simpler aesthetic (I like the Wizardry series, for example), but I think it's also because I like how pre-rendered represent a universe. The style appeals to me.
So, what's your personal preference ?
- Infinity Engine vs 3D environment24 votes
- Pre-rendered background.91.67%
- 3D environment.  8.33%
Post edited by Arctodus on
The biggest plus side of an 3D environment however is that people can generally reskin all meshes with custom landscape textures on the fly. Thanks to that even old games like Morrowind can look like modern triple A titles.
But if 3D isn't necessary for the game to work, then it can actually make things worse. Adjusting the camera is a distracting chore, and it's easier to overlook important things in three dimensional environments. Putting things on a 2D scroller or staging the game on an isometric map keeps things simple and user-friendly.
Of course, the camera isn't a problem when the game is first person, in which case the camera is always facing where you want to go.