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My review on SoD (spoilers possibly)

I have played Baldur's gate for many years and have always enjoyed rolling characters and picking teams.
When i first heard about SoD I was very excited and followed the progress until the game launched.
I think you did a very good job in blowing new life in a very good and old game! You added some very interesting and fun companions in de Enhanced editions with quests to and loot to boot!
I did not believe my eyes and ears when i first heard that you hired orginal voice actors to bring alive some of the coolest companions and vilans. And how it worked out even after so many years is something truly extraordinary!
The final boss on SoD is awsome! Also hearing the voice of Irenicus again Really brought me back on the edge of my seat!
Thank you for bringing this awsome expierence!

Alas i would like to put some feedback on points i think could have been better, and hopefully things can only get even better.

-I have finished the game a few times with both good and evil pary's. Although it is a bit though without a good tanking character it is far from impossible. Yet i would still really like to see someone filling up that space! Preferably some neutral class dwarf or orc! Babarian or dwarfen defender for example. There is a serious lack of a neutral chacaters in SoD. Jaheira being stuck with goody bag Khalid. Neera brings a lot of risk and instability. So that leaves Safana and M'kiin. These are great but cant tank.

-I kind of miss a connection in BG2EE to the SoD. Most things are never mentioned again in the whole BG2 saga not even by Irenicus, it is like it never happaned. SoD is wurth it to be mentioned and be part of this storyline in my opinion. Perhaps there is room for some additional quest between BG2 and ToB to finish some of that unfinished buisness! Set new exp caps for SoA and then the new adventure. Meet the SoD companions again!

-I really miss the voice of Jaheira :D I know it cant be helped though!
-Last but not least, it was too short! Shame on you! (joke)

Thx for reading and most of all thx for SoD! Looking forward to more of your work team Beamdog.


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Thank you for the review and welcome to the forum!
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