Baldur's Gate NPCS in Icewind Dale

I'm thinking about going through IWD with a party of just Baldur's Gate NPC clones. Who would you put in a party? I will be using EEKeeper to do make illegal stats, with regards to Coran.
Jahiera, because Druids are also pretty sweet in IWD, (not that she was bad in Baldur's Gate). Are you using BG1 or BG2 stats, because the latter in particular would be really useful.
One of Coran or Montaron is a no-brainer as your party thief, because you want your party thief to be as fighty as possible. Coran's the stronger choice because of his illegal dex (there are a lot of dex-boosting items to get him to 21 for that extra AC / Ranged THACO), but also because of the illegal extra pip in long bows.
Shar-Teel's a great choice because she has non-garbage Strength/Dex and is a vanilla fighter, which means she can get Grandmastery, which is even more powerful in IWD than it is in BG, (+3/2 APR instead of just +1 APR).
The last two spots are tougher if you're using BG1 NPCs, since you really want another fighter-type and all other BG1 fighter-types have major flaws in strength, dexterity, or more commonly both. I'd probably go with Khalid just to give me a good-aligned fighter to make use of the Shimmering Sash, which will more than offset his 16 Dexterity as a front-liner. Plus, like Shar-Teel, he can get Grandmastery.
(Alternately, I might be tempted to take Montaron as a second tank / sneak attacker and just otherwise ignore his thief skills. Helm of the Trusted Defender + 17 Dex = yes.)
For the mage, the specialists have it tougher in IWD than BG. Edwin and Xan give up Invocation (most good damage spells), Dynahier gives up divination *and* conjuration, and poor Xzar gets hurt even more, losing both Illusion *AND* Enchantment. From a power standpoint, Dynahier gives up the least since Garrick can handle identification and Necromancy provides plenty of good alternate summons. Plus, enemies get a -2 save penalty against her Web spells, which is really cool.
So from a powergame standpoint, that'd be my party. Khalid / Jahiera (with her BG2 dex score) / Shar-Teel as melee brawlers, Coran as an archer, Garrick and Dynahier as arcane support. Healing will be in short supply until Garrick hits level 11 and unlocks the War Chant of Sith, but otherwise it's a pretty balanced group.
If you are going to use BG1 stats for Jahiera, I might just replace her outright with Faldorn or Branwen for a more robust divine spellcaster, since with no Shimmering Sash and no Dex bonus and druid weapon restrictions Jahiera won't be much of a melee fighter.
Viconia: The fallout with House DeVir hasn't happened yet and she is still a Priestess of Lolth. You could make her Chaotic Evil to amplify that past. Thus roleplaying it so that an alignment shift occured when Viconia embraced the Sharran faith.
Xan: He is a golden opportunity for any Icewind Dale party. Given that the game already features his cousin, Erevain Blacksheaf. Maybe they decided to meet in one of the Ten Towns. Or Xan decided to search for his cousin's werabouts after an unsettling long period of silence.
Kagain: While there are not enough references about him, chances are that he wouldn't be owning his mercenary business yet. It is more likely that he himself was a mercenary before that. Which makes thing easily enough to integrate. Either Xan hired the young Kagain as an extra pair of muscles. Or he took part in another mission. Such as procuring the Heartstone Gem for an dragon hoard's load of gold for instance.