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Adalon's blood? option to ask for her blood doesnt appear for me. using a neutral DD sorc with CHA18

sansserifsansserif Member Posts: 126
Tried reading the readme and the forums but can't find the answer. Claimed Adalon's eggs and returned them to her but she doesn't give my PC the blood, no option to choose. is the option only for Good or Evil characters? Mine is neutral


  • KuronaKurona Member Posts: 881
    If you're referring to the mod by Gandalf the White I think I remember you need to pick a new option during the dialogue with Fael, in the Umar Hills. Else the option doesn't appear and you have to kill her.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,805
    edited May 2017
    No, that's not the case. But the mod checks whether you already talked to Tanally Fael and accepted the quest. (Otherwise, a good-aligned PC wouldn't consider asking for her blood.) The mod will not trigger if you didn't talked to Tanally Fael before going to the Underworld, but you don't have to chose a mod added reply option, just accept his quest like in the original game.
    After giving Adalon her eggs, there should be new reply options after her line ~My last act here will be a few selective deaths perhaps, a lesson for those responsible for my strife at least. They will know not to cross my path again.~ It's one text line before she transforms herself into a humanoid form.
    You should see the reply options: ~Oh, I still have a request, if there is enough time.~ (this will take you to the "ask for blood" line.) and ~Ah. Continue.~ (this will skip the whole quest).
    You can also ask about the favor at an earlier time, then she will come back to it at this stage.
    Hope this helps.

    Post edited by jastey on
  • sansserifsansserif Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2017
    I did speak to Fael and accepted the quest. I have the quest registered in my Journal. The readme doesn't say anything about the quest being open to Neutral aligned characters.

    @Kurona that's right...
    @jastey do you think its incompatible with some of my other mods? I don't see the options you mentioned. But I have Adalon's Blood installed since the very beginning.

    by the way, who is Tanally?
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,805
    edited May 2017
    Er, I meant Fael, of course. (His cre and dialogue file is called tanally1 so I mixed that up.)
    The quest path is open to all PC alignments (there is only a distinction between evil and non-evil at some point).
    Can you check what the game variable "TalkedToTanally1" is in your save (that's the original game variable for Fael). It should be at "1".
    I wouldn't know of any other mods interjecting there but that doesn't mean much. Do you know how to decompile dialogues with weidu? If yes, I'd be interested in your UDSILVER.dlg (that's Adalon) or you link me a save before you return the eggs and I'll have a look.
    EDIT: Also, what are the variables "C#SilberdrachenblutQuestTod" and "C#SB_Silberdrachenblut" in your game? Those are quest variables. If the first is at "1", the quest died by driving off Fael in some way, if the second is at "1", the PC asked for the favor before retrieving the eggs.
  • sansserifsansserif Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2017
    the variables u mentioned are not present so I just checked my weidu.log and C#silber is not installed :(
    Might have ran into a bug or human error
    Sorry :'(
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,805
    edited May 2017
    Ah, that explains a lot (too much, actually..) Let me know if you have a problem with installation.
    Unfortunately you visited Ust Natha already, so installing the mod now would make the fight harder (but not impossible).
  • sansserifsansserif Member Posts: 126
    I'll probably install with a new game :) don't wanna risk breaking the game atm ^^
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