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Transfer NPCS, items and books of skill to BG EE 2

JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,768
From the experience of BGT I find it very useful that you can have a merchant in BG EE whom you can sell items, books of skill included (Enge in Baldurs Gate SW region), and you can have the same merchant in BG EE 2 who can sell you these entire items (Enge in Waukeen Promenade). With such a possibility you can give books of skill to those NPCs who you want to take with you through the rest of your journey. For example, your main hero is a mage (specialist) - he doesn't need strength (in general) - and can give this book to Valygar to improve him drastically.

Another thing I'd like to talk about is availability of transferring NPCs from BG EE to BG EE 2 - Jaheira, Viconia, Edwin, Minsk, Imoen - with stats from BG EE. For example, during BG EE you gave Viconia 3 tomes of wisdom and when you take her into your party in BG EE 2 she has her wisdom entirely as it was after these 3 tomes.

My opinion is following: the lack of these two possibilities does no good for the gameplay because nearly everyone who plays BG EE will continue in BG EE 2.

Will these two things be possible? Any answer would be greatly anticipated because knowing these things at the start of BG EE will help to plan the party.

Sorry for the possible mistakes in English - it's not my native language.


  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    Are you asking to have a merchant who you sell items to in BG1, then make those item available for you to purchase from him in his BG2 shop?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,768
    edited November 2012
    Yes, it's one of my proposals. The second one is transferring NPCs who participate in BG2 from BG EE to BG EE 2 with stats that take into account the manuals and tomes (of Gainful Exercise, of Understanding etc) used on them in BG1.
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    BGT already takes stat changes into account as you may know, but it remains unclear if BG2:EE will. The shopkeeper idea isn't a bad one, and I did wonder about Enge being in BG, but never tried selling him something.
    Still, even if this isn't done, it will be easy to manually edit in the changes you want to see carried over to BG2:EE.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,768
    Shin said:

    it remains unclear if BG2:EE will.

    That's why it's highly appreciated if the developers answer these questions.
  • WalshenatorWalshenator Member Posts: 14
    I beg your pardon if this has been covered elsewhere but I was curious as to whether an EE of BG2 has actually been confirmed??
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447

    I beg your pardon if this has been covered elsewhere but I was curious as to whether an EE of BG2 has actually been confirmed??

    Yep. 2013 release projected. It's...somewhere in the FAQ.

    As for NPCs carrying over their stats from BG1... The challenge of BG2 is actually set with the NPCs' stats as they currently are, which is a fair bit higher than they were in BG1. Changing them would alter the balance of those encounters, which could have unforeseen consequences (and as a result would be outside the realm of possibilities allowed by Beamdog's contract with WotC and Atari).

    So probably not to the second bit, although the first one's an interesting idea. Maybe not Enge specifically, but I could see it being a nice possibility to travel back to Baldur's Gate and the Sword Coast to pick up things you left behind.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited November 2012
    Since BG:EE and BG2:EE will use the same engine, I'm sure transfers will go much smoother. That said, there is still a balance issue. You lost your equipment starting BG2 for a reason, which is balance, and balance is still a concern.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Actually, I thought losing your equipment at the start of BG2 had more to do with reacquainting players with the mechanics and importance of said equipment. Kind of like how at the beginning of Metroid Prime 2 you lose all your weapons despite having had all of them in Metroid Prime 1.

    Although, that design being in place, the entire first dungeon is built with the assumption that you have none of your equipment from BG1. So I guess that bit still holds true. :)
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,768
    I don't say I want all items at the start of Irenicus dungeon. I just point that it's your own choice on which NPC you spend your book. You are free to continue BG2 with your own character from BG1, and this character can have improved attributies. So isn't it logical that you can, if you want, spend some books on your fellow NPCs with whom you will adventure further.

    And about NPC's stats - I'm sure that stats, for example, of Jaheira or Viconia in BG EE will be like in BG2, not BG1. So, my proposition doesn't harm the balance.
  • WalshenatorWalshenator Member Posts: 14
    Aosaw said:

    I beg your pardon if this has been covered elsewhere but I was curious as to whether an EE of BG2 has actually been confirmed??

    Yep. 2013 release projected. It's...somewhere in the FAQ.

    Wooo!! I'm pretty excited to hear that! Thanks for the confirmation.
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