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[v2.21] Shadow Magic



  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    edited September 2017
    @Artemius_I, just noticed that the Night Cutter is only improving my THAC0 by 1 instead of the 2 that the description says.

    Edit: The dagger cannot damage enemies that require +2 weapons to hit (golems and ghost children so far).
    Post edited by Necromanx2 on
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    Sooooo..... Are there any plans for Shadow Sorcerer? o:)
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Will fix.

    Working on it. The kit balance is going through a bit of consideration and there's a problem with item usability for SA-exclusive items that I need to address. Once those are sorted out the sorcerer will be ready to go.
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    Hurray! Really, really looking forward to it!
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    @Artemius_I, is there any ETA on the updates?
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    @Artemius_I, in BG2EE I cast the cone of cold the SA has. It hit my familiar (the shade wolf) as well as the enemy. Since being hit my familiar has been slowed. 3hrs+ in game passed and he was still slowed. I rested (so 11+hrs) and he is still slowed. Not sure if it will ever go away.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited September 2017


    I probably failed and set the slow duration to permanent or some nonsense. Unfortunately I've got no time to update at the moment due to classes.

    Edit: Yep the slow's set to permanent. It can be dispelled though.
  • TranscendedOneTranscendedOne Member Posts: 25
    Is it possible, You could attune this mod for BWS?
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    @Artemius_I , any estimate on addressing the bugs?
    1) The summons not have undead resistances
    2) The cone of cold perma slowing
    3) Night cutter being +1 instead of +2
  • PandemicLegionPandemicLegion Member Posts: 40
    Is this Mod relative Bugfree?
    Can i install this while i have other Mod's installed like ToB or Spell rev`?
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @PandemicLegion It's far safer to do a compeletly clean re-install before adding new mods.
  • PandemicLegionPandemicLegion Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2017
    So is it worth to give it a try`?
    I would like to play throught bg ee SoD bg2 ee and ToB.
    Is there a small Video that introduce to the Mod?
    Post edited by PandemicLegion on
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    The mod works very well. There are some minor bugs, but the class is very playable as is.
  • ClaudiaClaudia Member Posts: 1
    Fantastic mod, haven't encountered any bug so far. Does it use EE exclusive resources or it could be converted to a normal BG2 modded install (I have a slow laptop at work that doesn't support EE).
  • PandemicLegionPandemicLegion Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2017
    Is this compatible with scs and similiar mods?
    The kit have nothing vs high level Spells like imprisonment or`?
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    edited December 2017
    The 4th level spell immunity says it should protect against confusion. However, the Myconids confusion do affect me.
    EDIT: Looks like even though I get the stars above my head (and character sheet says I'm confused), I keep control. Will need to see if it always let me keep control or if I got lucky with the confusion affect.
    EDIT2: I do not lose control. So it shows and notes that I am affected, but I don't lose control.

    Other bugs:
    1) The summons shadows do not have undead resistances
    2) The cone of cold perma slowing
    3) Night cutter being +1 instead of +2 for what it can hit

    EDIT3: There is a 5th level spell that has a symbol like a 3 prongs of lightning that has a spell description of "Invalid: 331366".

    EDIT4: Observations:
    The HLA of half shadow dragon is great! What a powerhouse.
    Only having the the HLA shadow available for 9 rounds is short (especially since no summons last longer then an hour for SA. Seems like a poor summoner).

    Overall, this is very stable. Really like the class and he is very fun to play. Once the minor bugs are addressed, I hope you can expand the items available and restrict the use of weave items.

    Of the familiars, I enjoy the Shade Wolf most. He seems to retain his value over the levels.
    The Shade Bard, can't hurt many big enemies with his weapons as they are not a high enough + to hit.
    The Shade Thief does not have enough points to make him worth while. Even when he picks a lock or trap, he get like half the XP (I assume he is considered lower level) as so I prefer Jan as he gets more XP and it adds up over time.
    Post edited by Necromanx2 on
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    1) It would be nice if spells that are not ready (have not slept to activate them) were a grey. Currently, when looking in the spell book I can't tell which spells have been cast versus not. Makes it harder to swap spells around as I like to replace used spell slots first, but can't tell which they are at present.
    2) If a shadow elemental could be added. Personally think this would be nice is all.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Updated to version 0.95. This version adds in the sorcerer and bard alternate kits, a few bugfixes, three new spells, and two new items

    New spells: Wall of Black Flame, Summon Nighthaunt, Nightfall

    Wall of Black Flame
    (Invocation/Evocation - Shadow Weave)

    Level: 4
    School: Evocation
    Range: Long
    Duration: 1 turn
    Casting Time: 3
    Area of Effect: 10'
    Saving Throw: 1/2

    With this spell, the shadow adept creates a wall of black fire, dealing 2d6 fire damage to all creatures who pass through it (Save vs. Spells for half) and reduces their Armor Class by -2 for one round. Creatures cannot take damage more than once per round.
    Summon Nighthaunt

    Level: 5
    Range: 45 ft.
    Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level
    Casting Time: 8
    Area of Effect: Special
    Saving Throw: None

    This spell conjures forth a nighthaunt, an undead monster from the Shadow Plane. Nighthaunts are deadly creatures that emit an aura of desecration, reducing the THAC0 and damage of all nearby living creatures by two points while increasing THAC0 and damage of all undead creatures by two points. Its natural weapon is capable of draining two levels on hit and strikes as a +4 weapon. However, nighthaunts are greatly weakened in natural daylight. From 14th level onwards, two nighthaunts are summoned instead.

    The nighthaunt is fully under the control of the caster for the duration of the spell and will follow all of orders until the duration has expired.
    (Evocation - Shadow Weave)

    Level: 7
    Range: Visual range of the caster
    Duration: 6 rounds
    Casting Time: 8
    Area of Effect: 30-ft. radius
    Saving Throw: None

    This spell creates a rainfall of shadowstuff on the target location for six rounds. Enemy creatures suffer 1d6 magical damage for every round that they remain within the rainfall and suffer a cumulative penalty of -1 to Armor Class and all Saving Throws for one turn. Allied creatures are healed for 2d6 hit points every round instead.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    Thanks and Happy New Year!
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    edited January 2018
    Do you have any more description on the bard kit other than the song? I was not able to find anything else. Darkvision? Same expertise with shadow magic as an adept?
    Post edited by Zaghoul on
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    Thank you-thank you-thank you! You really made it!

    Happy New Year to you and us all with the new classes! :)
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    edited January 2018
    Okay, so issue I've been having with 0.95. Thought it was a bad install, but after reoccuring I checked, and it's also occurring on BG1 with no other mods installed:

    Multiclass F/M/C (Gnome, if relevant). Can't use gear - correctly.

    After using the orb, now an adept, but still unable to use any items.

    In EEKeeper there's also two of each class, with one of the two being able to learn normal spells, and neither being able to equip their gear.

    Also checked: Charlie as a half-elf:

    Oh, and is the Belt o' Darkflame actually in BG1/SoD at present? It's not in the spoiler documentation anywhere.

  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited January 2018

    This is because I changed the way the item usability works to check for a "SHARRAN" flag rather than kit to account for the two new kits (because there's no way to have an item only be usable by three different kits). This breaks old characters since they don't have this flag on them.

    There is one way to fix it without recreating your character:

  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137


    This is because I changed the way the item usability works to check for a "SHARRAN" flag rather than kit to account for the two new kits (because there's no way to have an item only be usable by three different kits). This breaks old characters since they don't have this flag on them.

    There is one way to fix it without recreating your character:


    Neat, I'll run that, thanks. I assume this means I'll need to start my adepts off as single class adepts and then keeper them into other classes, rather than being able to use the orb? And do I need to use the code again when exporting to BG2?

    Also, to save my OCD from scouring every map, is the belt in the game right now? Or just unused data?
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Regarding items: There are a few items not implemented yet. I'm saving them for the stronghold/quest component. Probably will move some of the higher-tier items (Nosferatu, etc.) from their present locations as well.
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  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Nope, only arcane classes and one monk kit. You can make a shadow adept/thief multi- or dual-class if you really want though.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2018
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  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited January 2018
    • Merged sorcerer, bard and familiar into main component (each can still be chosen separately)
    • Added Hit Point cost as an alternative resource (cost = spell level*2)
    • Added 4 new spells: Cursed Flames (lv1), Hallucinate (lv2), Void Edge (lv3), Pain Mirror (lv4)
    • Fixed sorcerer spell progression (overall nerf)
    • Shadow adepts (and other kits) get sequencers and contingencies for free
    • HLAs now have Constitution/Hit Point costs
    New spells:
    Cursed Flames
    (Alteration - Shadow Weave)

    Level: 1
    Range: 5 ft.
    Duration: Special
    Casting Time: 1
    Area of Effect: 1 creature
    Saving Throw: 1/2

    When the shadow adept casts this spell, a jet of searing flame shoots from fingertips. The shadow adept's hands must be held so as to send forth a fanlike sheet of flames: thumbs must touch each other and the fingers must be spread. The burning hands send out flame jets of 5 ft. length in a horizontal arc of about 120 degrees in front of the shadow adept. All targets within range take 1d4+2 fire damage and have their Luck reduced by two points for 2 rounds + 1 round per level to a maximum of 10 rounds at 9th level, additionally, they take 2 points of fire damage per round for the duration. A successful Saving Throw vs. Spells negates half damage and the secondary effects.

    (Illusion/Phantasm - Shadow Weave)

    Level: 2
    Range: Visual range of the caster
    Duration: 1 round/level
    Casting Time: 5
    Area of Effect: 1 person or mammal
    Saving Throw: Neg.

    The target of this spell must make a Saving Throw vs. Spell or come under its effects. When under the effects of the Hallucinate spell, the victim experiences a disruption of their senses causing them to perceive something that is not actually there, causing them to randomly wander, attack the nearest person, or stand confused.

    Void Edge
    (Invocation/Evocation - Shadow Weave)

    Level: 3
    Range: Self
    Duration: 1 turn
    Casting Time: 2
    Area of Effect: Self
    Saving Throw: None

    Upon casting this spell, the shadow adept imbues next melee attack with shadow magic, providing it with a +5 enchantment bonus and the ability to drain 2 hit points per level as magic damage.

    Pain Mirror
    (Necromancy - Shadow Weave)

    Level; 4
    Range: Visual range of the caster
    Duration: 1 turn
    Casting Time: 7
    Area of Effect: 1 creature
    Saving Throw: None

    When the caster is struck with an attack, takes no damage and drains 1d4 hit points per level from the attacker instead. It only works for one attack, and the effects are not cumulative (you cannot have more than one mirror erected). If the spell is not triggered, it lasts for 1 turn.

    • Fixed bugs on Pain Mirror
    Post edited by TheArtisan on
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    • Fixed kit descriptions for Hit Point cost option
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