ToB: Summoning Angel

Does the summoning angel remember all of the work that you've put into NPCs out of the main party or is that erased and she just summons weak and generic creature clones? I don't recall how this worked in the original game, but I'm hoping the EE version has the sense to remember this.
Edit: After typing this out, I realized most of the NPCs out of party would be rather underpowered for ToB, regardless of the gear and spells that you've passed out, simply from the lack of experience to go around. So, unless the summoning angel remembers them *and* boosts their experience levels to starting ToB range, they'll be underpowered. I'm highly doubting that they put this much effort into development, though, and that she will just summon generic clones. Please, correct me if I'm wrong though.
Edit: After typing this out, I realized most of the NPCs out of party would be rather underpowered for ToB, regardless of the gear and spells that you've passed out, simply from the lack of experience to go around. So, unless the summoning angel remembers them *and* boosts their experience levels to starting ToB range, they'll be underpowered. I'm highly doubting that they put this much effort into development, though, and that she will just summon generic clones. Please, correct me if I'm wrong though.
The generic versions are all boosted to 2.5Mxp, but are supplied a few levels lower so that you can immediately level them up yourself, giving you at least a slight degree of control (maybe one proficiency point to allocate manually, for example).
The generic versions all come with their character-specific equipment (if any) and some other basic ToB-level equipment (e.g. generic +2/3 weapons, etc.), but usually no unique named items (although Rasaad has several special items from his SoA questline, and Neera has one item from her SoA questline).
The generic versions of Mages have a fixed selection of learned spells, but far from a full spell-book.
Based on the summoned NPCs plus the one you brought along plus Sarevok (and Irenicus if you have Longer Road mod installed) you can make new party decisions in ToB. Plus new joinable NPCs that appear in ToB if you meet them.