BG:EE v2.3 and SCS (v30) with BigWorld Fixpack

Hi guys, I apologise if this has been asked and answered ad nauseam, but I'm struggling to get my SCS (v30) working on my BG:EE + SOD playthrough. I've been reading the comments in the BG:EE modding section and everyone says to use the BigWorld Fixpack by @agb1 , however I'm very noob at this and don't understand the readme instructions on how exactly this works. Do I run the BW Fixpack before I install any mods? Or do I do my usual install order (with SCS last) and then apply the BW Fixpack? Also, there are multiple folders/files that get extracted into my SOD folder when I unzip the BW Fixpack.. which is the right one?
I did try installing EET to get around doing the manual installation but that was a dismal failure and I had to re-install the base game from scratch so I've given up on that for now. I'm happy to settle for a BG:EE + SOD play through and then I'll port my guy over into a BG2EE modded game.
p.s. Any help much appreciated!
I did try installing EET to get around doing the manual installation but that was a dismal failure and I had to re-install the base game from scratch so I've given up on that for now. I'm happy to settle for a BG:EE + SOD play through and then I'll port my guy over into a BG2EE modded game.
p.s. Any help much appreciated!
Post edited by Spaceman_Spiff on
1. unpack your mods
2. unpack BWFixpack (I unpacked the whole content of the compressed folder - not sure if that's what I should've done but the game seems to be working fine)
3. apply BWFixpack
4. install mods as usual
5. play the game