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Changes to EE Berserk opcodes?

kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,367
edited June 2017 in General Modding
I have been trying to understand how the berserk effects work, and so far they do not correspond to the entries in IESDP at all.
Here's what I have so far:

#3 (0x3) Berserk 
  Parameter2 = Condition
    0 : In-Combat-Only
    1 : Constant
    Maintains STATE[0x2](STATE_BERSERK):
      Grants a +2 bonus to hit and Damage.
    While the specified 'Condition' is true:
      The creature will switch to a melee weapon if it can(not wielding a Cursed or Magically created weapon).
      The creature's AI scripts stop running, and it will uncontrollably attack any creature it can See(), though usually preferring enemies when available.
      Disables Saving while affecting a Party Member("You do not controll all your Party Members")
    Removed by Opcode #4 Cure Berserk.
    Affects PC's, allies, neutrals, and enemies alike.

#245 (0xf4) Check For Berserk
  Parameter2 = Stat Value
    Maintains (STATS.142)/(CHECKFORBERSERK) to 'Parameter2'.
    Not removed by Opcode #4 Cure Berserk
    I have never gotten it to trigger berserk, even with it on everyone in the entire map after several turns of constant combat, all with 10APR.

#246 (0xf6) Berserk Effect
  Parameter2 = Stat Value
    Maintains (STATS.143)/(BERSERKSTAGE1) to 'Parameter2'.
    Maintains Portrait Icon #4: Berserking
    Not removed by Opcode #4 Cure Berserk
    No actual Berserk effect.

#247 (0xf7) Attack Nearest Creature
  Parameter2 = Condition
    0 : In-Combat-Only
    1 : Constant
    Maintains (STATS.144)/(BERSERKSTAGE2) to 'Parameter2'.
    Maintains STATE[0x2](STATE_BERSERK):
      Grants a +2 bonus to hit and Damage.
    While the specified 'Condition' is true:
      The creature's AI scripts stop running, and it will uncontrollably attack any creature it can See(), though usually preferring enemies when available.
      Disables Saving while affecting a Party Member("You do not controll all your Party Members")
    Not removed by Opcode #4 Cure Berserk
    Affects PC's, allies, neutrals, and enemies alike.

Does opcode 245 do anything more than set a stat?
Does opcode 246 do anything more than set a stat and display a portrait icon?
I have tried multiple stat values for each.
The only difference I can find between opcodes 3 and 247, is that 247 will not force the creature to use melee weapons, and is not removed by Opcode #4 Cure Berserk.
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