13/14 f/m

At what point in the game, roughly, would the character regain his fighter levels? Thanks.
This is with SOD, if that matters.
At what point in the game, roughly, would the character regain his fighter levels? Thanks.
This is with SOD, if that matters.
You didn't mention the size of your party, but if you're solo you'll get it while in chapter 2 SOA. If I recall from past posters, if you have a party of 4 or more you'll be somewhere in the Underdark.
However it all depends on how much you want to rush and do tricks like scribe and erase scrolls over and over.
There's also Watcher's Keep, which is a veritable XP bomb. If you do that pre-Underdark, you'll get a hefty bonus on top of what you'd usually have in Chapter 2/3.
All that being said, I personally believe that dualing at 13 is just not worth it. Not that you don't gain nice perks, but I find that they are simply not worth the investment compared to dualing at 9.