Theme Partys

I notice alot of themed partys being discussed mostly LOTR, Dragon Lance, and WOT. What about Prince of Nothing, A Song of Ice and Fire,Sword of Shannara, or The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant?.
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Yeah and combined with elemental ideas, which I think clarifies things:
Paul (fire) fighter
John (air) magic-user ( or more likely illusionist)
George (water) thief
Ringo (earth) cleric
Fuck yes. Sounded pretty damn good too. I have lots of experience shrieking "DRAGON SLAVE!"
...Wow, that came out wrong. What I meant was I imitate Lina a lot because I do her voice in the Slayers abridged series on youtube.
But yeah heck I shouted out spell names all the time while I was playing.
...I also had Amelia fighting unarmed, because it was freaking awesome. And every time she critted I would be all like, "PACIFIST CRUSH!"
Buffy as a monk?
She occasionally backstabs, and she wears light or no armor.
And she has those psychic dream premonitions all the time.
Fighter/rogue/mage (specialized in divination), maybe?
"And because there are four robes of the arch-magi in the game, I ultimately decided on four specialist mages instead of six. "
Where is the fourth? O_o;
The best part was finding a complete Buffy the Vampire Slayer kit online. It had voices from the episodes, correctly sized pictures and pretty much everything. A couple of the voices were rather weird, but most of them were amazing. The person that actually went through every episode to find matching voices for the BG commands is probably the biggest nerd ever. My only complaint was that there wasn't a Tara set.
Marvel Avengers themed party!
Captain America - Human Paladin
I say paladin because you know he's all good and stuff. If any kit i say Cavalier, since the other 2 don't seem right. Although I guess Red Skull has a skull for a head, one could argue for Undead-Hunter o.O.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Stats: high str-dex-con, low int-wis, high cha
Weapons: shield of course. if i wanted to be super-real he's have no main hand at all, but i think the gods of baldur's gate will forgive me if i have him use a long sword or something.
Thor - Human Barbarian
No dual-class mage? what about shooting thunderbolts? Well, it'd sort of be a waste to lose out on armor just for the few spells that are lightning-related, but then again it might be funny to do just that and literally teach him nothing else. Why Barbarian, not fighter? Well, barbarians are cool, and Thor's viking-ish nature seems barbaric enough. Also Thor's armor seems like chain-mail, so that fits. Plus he should be stronger than the average fighter because he is a god. In fact maybe he should be the charname, and turns out Odin just adopted him. And...and then Gorion adopted him too.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Stats: high str-dex-con, low int-wis, med cha
Weapons: War Hammer, single-weapon style! (hammer of thunderbolts, anyone?)
The Hulk - Half-Orc Berserker
Clearly. At first I was thinking some sort of Shapeshifter Druid, but then I was like "no".
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (HE'S A FORCE OF NATURE!!!)
Stats: ultimately high str-dex-con, absurdly low int-wis-cha
Weapons: Well, Hulk Smash, so I imagine blunt weapons, probably just dual-clubs.
Alternative for Hulk - Kensai, since he doens't wear armor. That way he's running around in default Half-Orc loincloth. Doesn't need berserk ability, he's just berserk ALL THE TIME!!!
Iron Man - Human...Fighter/Cleric?
This is the toughest one. A big part of Iron Man's arsenal are his lazer beams and such, plus tony stark has high Int, so he could be a mage. But Iron Man clearly HAS to wear full plate armor. So maybe make him fighter/cleric, so he still has armor but has a variety of special attacks in his arsenal. But I'd invariably use him for healing, and that doesn't seem to be one of his traditional abilities, although I could imagine him having some sort of healing beam. Or I could even just self-impose the rule that he cannot heal, only use the spells that seem reasonable (holy smite, any sort of crowd control probably, most buffs). Then I figured he should just be a fighter, and specialize mostly in crossbows, since they're mechanical. But since I started writing this paragraph I'm back in the fighter/cleric camp just cause it's close. Or at least close to close.
Alignment: Chaotic Good (Stark's got that "doesn't play well with others" thing going on)
Stats: Hm, high everything. maybe pretend that Tony Stark's Intelligence is really more of "Wisdom", and sacrifice int for the cleric's wis. Then again, How much Wis does he really need? Oh I guess if he's dual-classing he needs 17. Maybe he's a half-elf dual-class with min-allowed wis and max int. w/e too much thinking. I guess he could lose some Cha too, his persuasiveness is probably not all that good realistically, I imagine the shopkeepers of Baldur's Gate would be turned off by his demeanor.
Weapons: If we go cleric I'll buy any of his smashing weapons, mace/flail/hammer all seem fine. slings too, he's got range for sure. Either give him a shield for a more "Iron" Iron Man, or dual-wield if you like. If we did the fighter idea I'd say crossbow grand mastery, with maybe a 2h-sword or spear/halberd, just because.
Hawkeye - Human Archer
Alignment: Neutral Good. I guess main argument against lawful is that he chose to spare Black Widow when he was ordered to kill her because it was the right thing to do.
Stats: max dex. rest is medium.
Weapons: Longbow. aaaand I dunno slap him with something else arbitrary that we're not using yet, like short-swords/katanas/daggers (depending what we give Black Widow)
Black Widow - Human Assassin
Classic. Maybe just a regular thief so our skillz aren't so gimped, but I mean Assassin seems right.
Alignment:Chaotic Good. I don't know though there's a variety of ones that I'd buy. But I think she is ultimately Good, and it's probably just Chaotic because she like used to kill people and stuff.
Stats: Max Dex, rest is medium.
Weapons: Crossbows, cause they're sort of like guns, and then daggers/katanas/short-swords all seem fine.
There you have it. A part that's pretty lacking in the magic department, but what can you do.
BTW: anybody that did a six-of-the-same classes party, what tricks did you use to tell your characters apart and make them easily recognizable?
Wizard Slayer (CHARNAME)
Cleric of Talos
that eschews arcane magic (uses divine magic only)... and see what the game is like fighting all those high level magic-users without any arcane magic at my disposal.
You have some great ideas there, some which I agree with wholeheartedly, others which I have some variants that could be cool. I will order mine based on the image below.
Iron Man - Sorceror. (This is based solely on the image I have posted)
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Strength: 14
Constitution: 12
Dexterity: 15
Wisdom: 16
Intelligence: 18
Charisma: 16
Weapon: Returning dart/throwing knife.
Hawkeye - Ranger. Archer kit.
Race: Human
Alignment: True Neutral
Strength: 16
Constitution: 14
Dexterity: 19
Wisdom: 11
Intelligence: 13
Charisma: 13
Weapon: Bow, composite.
Captain America - Paladin. Possibly Cavalier or Inquisitor.
Race: Human
Alignment: Lawful good - (Unless we are talking civil war period, then he was in theory non-lawful. Semantics)
Strength: 18/50
Constitution: 16
Dexterity: 17
Wisdom: 11
Intelligence: 9
Charisma: 17
Weapon: Sword and Board
Nick Fury -Wizard Slayer (He has no powers, yet fights against the biggest and baddest. Tis what shield is all about) (would need a fix to add bonuses to ranged weapons)
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral good
Strength: 16
Constitution: 15
Dexterity: 18
Wisdom: 16
Intelligence: 16
Charisma: 14
Weapon: Crossbow/Shortbow/Throwing knives.
Loki - Cleric/Mage multiclass or another Sorceror.
Race: Elf or Halfelf, to show a little variation and hint towards his frost giant heritage. (All humans would be boring)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral/Evil. Depends on the version/your view of the character.
Strength: 16
Constitution: 15
Dexterity: 14
Wisdom: 18
Intelligence: 18
Charisma: 10
Weapon: Staff
Black Widow - Assassin
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic good
Strength: 15
Constitution: 13
Dexterity: 19
Wisdom: 12
Intelligence: 13
Charisma: 18
Weapon: Daggers/shortsword, Crossbow, Throwing knife
Hulk - Beserker or Shapeshifter
Race: Halforc
Alignment: True Neutral
Strength: 19
Constitution: 19
Dexterity: 18
Wisdom: 6
Intelligence: 6
Charisma: 6
Weapons: Swords and Axes. (Think Planet Hulk/World War Hulk)
Thor - Warrior/kit. For me, I don't find the Viking mythos very barbarian like. For me he should be Warrior with lightning based innate abilities. Tempted to make him a dwarf in my play through.
Race: Aasimar
Alignment: Neutral Good
Strength: 18/00
Constitution: 17
Dexterity: 16
Wisdom: 11
Intelligence: 9
Charisma: 14
Weapon: Hammer
Perhaps a custom kit
Lightning based innate abilities gained upon level up. Will need help balancing.
Shocking Grasp At level 1, 5 and 9
Protection from electricity at level 2 and 11
Lightning Bolt at level 8 and 14
Call Lightning at level 10 and 20
Can achieve grand mastery in hammers
Specialised in Maces/flails
Specialised in Single Weapon Style
No bladed weapons.
No bows.
No Armour heavier than Splint (maybe chain if it is still over powered)
No Dual Wield
No Shield
Obviously there is 8, so you can pick and choose. There is also a certain lack of healer bar Loki. Loki and IronMan could perhaps be interchangeable. Or Thor could become a Cleric of some sort.
Criticism is very welcome, I would love to hear suggestions on what they would change and why.
The 8 are based on awesome art by theDURRRRIAN. There are individual images on his deviantArt
Artist is theDURRRRIAN
How bout the JLA