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Avoiding the Neera quest and killing Red Wizards in the Bridge District

LucasIDKn8LucasIDKn8 Member Posts: 25
Hey guys. For those who think Neera is annoying and want to avoid her in BG2EE Shadows of Amn, I found a solution. Here is the thing: Go to the Bridge District and speak with Lieutenant Aegisfield about murders. Now walk all the way to the bottom end of the district and leave. Go somewhere else example (graveyard district) walk back to the Bridge district, you will be able to see one of the red wizards called ''Lanneth'' as soon as you enter, hit her with magic missile's she doesn't fight back ;) don't go to close to her or Neera dialogue starts. Loot her body she's got some good item's and kill the rest of the people she was with, they don't fight back either talk to the girl Mereth get the hairband quest open up one of the crates which is next to her, give it back she gives you the horse amulet. You earn something like 14000 xp just for killing Laneth [evil grin] >:) This was really fun lol now Aerie is dressed like a Red Wizard in a red robe of invocation.
Excuse my spelling mistakes. :D
Post edited by LucasIDKn8 on


  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212

    who think Neera is annoying

    The appropriate authorities have been notified and the Torture Squad should drop by shortly to correct this obviously grossly misguided viewpoint.
  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    For all those who think that continuos repitition of the same garbage is necessary there is this solution already
  • UnderstandMouseMagicUnderstandMouseMagic Member Posts: 2,147
    I did all that mentioned in the OP.

    And my game stopped working properly.

    All the right sidebar dissappeared unless the game was paused and some other stuff as well, can't exactly remember what. Couldn't talk to anybody.

    Basically my party became a non party, wandering around a bit like lost souls.

    So, so, so frustrating made doubly so by the feeling that the developers were so insistant that you take notice of their utterly awful EE NPC and their even worse cutscenes they'd prefer to break the game rather than let you treat them with the contempt they deserve.

    (OK, still sore about that happening as I was so delighted by the idea that Neera wouldn't ever turn up)

  • AttalusAttalus Member Posts: 156
    For crying out loud, if you hate her so much (full disclosure: I dislike several of the NPCs but not Neera) can't you just take her quest and then never go to the High Forest?
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    Attalus said:

    For crying out loud, if you hate her so much (full disclosure: I dislike several of the NPCs but not Neera) can't you just take her quest and then never go to the High Forest?

    There's still that super-annoying cutscene but Neera looks to like them forced cutscenes. In BG1 already she forces you to avoid a whole street in Beregost just not to trigger her quest. At least Dorn's encounter gives you a nice ninja-to for early game, and Baeloth a funny - if akward- cutscene. Neera's just annoying.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    Arunsun said:

    Neera's just annoying.

    In BG1 she's not just annoying - she's annoying with a gem bag. She doesn't trigger conversation at extreme sight range, so a well placed sling bullet can provide you with that gem bag she no longer needs ...
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Grond0 said:

    In BG1 she's not just annoying - she's annoying with a gem bag. She doesn't trigger conversation at extreme sight range, so a well placed sling bullet can provide you with that gem bag she no longer needs ...

    You... you...

  • tbone1tbone1 Member Posts: 1,985
    edited June 2017

    Grond0 said:

    In BG1 she's not just annoying - she's annoying with a gem bag. She doesn't trigger conversation at extreme sight range, so a well placed sling bullet can provide you with that gem bag she no longer needs ...

    You... you...

    But Alora wants it, and happy happy joy joy beats everything! Tickle tickle!

  • UnderstandMouseMagicUnderstandMouseMagic Member Posts: 2,147
    Re my earlier post.

    Does anybody know why my game ceased to work properly when I killed all the RWofT and Neera never appeared?

    And of course anyway to get round that as the XP/loot was sweet.
  • dibdib Member Posts: 384
    I always make sure to fling a well placed fireball in that direction, which takes out that annoying kid, stopping the cutscene from ever starting.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212

    Re my earlier post.

    Does anybody know why my game ceased to work properly when I killed all the RWofT and Neera never appeared?

    And of course anyway to get round that as the XP/loot was sweet.

    The game has a tendency to break when try to mess with cutscenes and scripted stuff. Mostly because it IS, you know, scripted stuff. Scripts that try to do something but can't will often break the game (not always, though).

    I remember you could also cause funky stuff if you killed and looted the Drizzt party and the made yourself immune to Imprisonment from Marchor Harpell. The game did not like that, and it would cause bugs in all sorts of places afterwards.
  • LucasIDKn8LucasIDKn8 Member Posts: 25

    I did all that mentioned in the OP.

    And my game stopped working properly.

    Yeah the same thing happened to me, I saved my game and loaded it and the sidebar was back, if that doesn't work for you push the G keyboard key I'm pretty sure that brings the sidebar up and down.
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