Just wondering what people's views are on what NPCs form the best party

I was just wondering obviously when playing the game, what kind of party do you like to form in general and what characters you tend to make your party up of......... I would like to know your preferences and reasons why.
I'd maaaaybe go with:
Kivan, Imoen, Edwin, Yeslick, Viconia. Charname is either some form of Fighter/Mage, Ranger/Cleric, Fighter/Thief, Mage/Thief etc.
The NPCs give you two mages (once Immy duals), two clerics, at least two fairly decent meleers, two potential tankers, several archers, and Imoen has most of the basic thief vitals covered, leaving room for CHARNAME to fill several roles without really leaving a serious gap.
Kivan and Viconia will bicker, but nothing should come of it, and the Dark Elf penalty should hopefully keep you from ever losing Edwin or her. Imoen is arguably the second best mage in BG1, and Edwin is still unmatched. Viconia is the best cleric, whilst Yeslick is one of the better tanks.
If your CHARNAME isn't going to be part thief, you may want to sport another thief in your party and drop Kivan for Coran (who can fulfil largely the same archery role, though his thievery is fairly lackluster), or hold off on dualling Immy until BG2, your call.
2 Fighters
1 Cleric
1/2 a thief (all you ever need, usually a fighter/thief for backstabbing or a thief dualed to mage)
Favorite party of all time (BG2):
Cassandra Veldrin: Fighter dualed to Mage at level 9, primarily using a bow - simulacrum + arrows of detonation = awesome
Anomen: Way stronger fighter than I thought he'd be, and I think I'm one of the very few people who actually doesn't find him annoying
Valygar: Backstabbing + decent fighter, although not as durable as Anomen
and of course Imoen: couldn't go without my sis + second mage and thief.
4 characters, fulfilled all the roles, and leveled fast.
perferred BG party:
Gnome F/Illusionist with 2handed sword and bows - he's kinda comical, but effective
Imoen: dualed to mage at lvl 4 (or maybe 5)
Khalid: Solid fighter, Jaheria I find annoying though so...
Brawen: Cleric + decent backup fighter
Coran: Fills in for thief duties while Imoen is dualing + fantastic archer!
I do this for a few reasons.
A: The game does not have enough desirable characters for me to use in a single alignment group, as I want all of my party members to be Good. Not Good and Neutral, not Good and Evil, just Good.
B: I like my characters to be designed a certain way. I know what I want in terms of ability scores, chosen spells, and weapon proficiency, and I refuse to yield or alter from that.
C: I really hate in-party fighting, be it actual violence or verbal, regardless of if it's intended to be "all in good fun". Here's a great example of why I do not tolerate bickering: If you've ever played Dragon Age 1, you had to listen to Morrigan and/or Alistair whine about just about everything. Morrigan whines about me, her mother, Alistair, and even my awesome and faithful Mabari Warhound, who is truly Man's best friend.
I'm here to enjoy the game and quest around, while ridding the world of evil. I don't have time to listen to senseless nagging. If you are in my party, you either say something with a clear and relevant point, or you keep your mouth shut. It really is that simple. Then again, zealous crusading Paladins of Righteousness never had much time for nonsense, be it bickering or recreation. Let everyone else drink, feast, and be merry: I will be roaming the world, ridding it of evil scum, and ensuring that they CAN be merry.
When I first beat the game I had a single-class PC Cleric, then had Kagain, Imoen, and Edwin. So basically I made an awesome cleric, and picked up the best fighter (debatable), thief, and mage. It was powerful although obviously it wasn't super interesting.
I prefer to have mixed parties, it's fun and gives me lots of options. I like to experiment with all the NPCs honestly, they all have their uses, only exception being I can't stand trying to use Tiax as a normal Thief, because his Dexterity is too bad to pull that off, not enough points to go around. So yeahh, I really can't say too much on this thread because I tend to do bloody anything.
If I had to pick a party based on *power,* though, I'd probably go with:
PC - Cleric/Ranger
That would rape.
That said, I'll admit I favor having Edwin, Kagain, and Kivan in parties, usually only having one of them in any given party though. They are all very powerful and enjoyable personalities.
Mixed: Kagain, Kivan, Coran, Viconia, Edwin, PC Thief
Evil: Shar-teel, Montaron, Viconia, Eldoth, Edwin, PC Fighter
The most powerful group was the "mixed" team. They steamrolled over everybody from early in the game. Nearly every fight was a foregone conclusion.
The most fun I had was the "evil" team, especially figuring out ways to maximize Eldoth's role. A PC Elven fighter can tank the early game and switch to a ranged role later, as a straight up evil comp lacks a good archer.
The most "epic" and imo interesting team I completed BG2 with was a 3 man party consisting of a stalker, a bountyhunter, and an avenger - challenging but fun
Imoen dualed to mage at level 6 thief (might want another thief while she regains thief levels).
Viconia (strongest cleric in the game).
Edwin (strongest Mage)
Xzar dualed to cleric at 6 mage.
Yeslick, Jaheira, Kivan, Coran.
Montaron is good, but not as good as Coran, but which one you pick would depend on your party alignment. Both are great picks as your thief to use while dualing immy.
The only ones that I ALWAYS take are Jaheira, Khalid and Viconia.
I forgot to mention Xzar, Montaron, and Coran. I'm partial to those three as well, they're just awesome.
Oddly, I've never once had Khalid run on me. Kagain, on the other hand, will bolt every time he gets badly hurt.
Yeah Kagain has a fairly high morale rate. Khalid has the highest, then Garrick, then Kagain. I dunno who after that.
I dual Imoen as soon as she can detect traps and open locks at 80%. She is my only back row player. I normally play some type of character that is decent at melee (just finished kensai/mage and now playing elf swashbuckler.)
I like to fill a paladin slot (the Charisma helps in stores; they are normally in slot 1) Ajantis in BG1 and Keldorn in BG2.
The final slot I fill with a fighter/cleric. In BG1 that's Yeslick and in BG2 it's Anomen.
In BG1 I have to find ways to kill off Dynaheir and Khalid so their counterparts don't bolt. Aside from the murdering and Jaheria's whining over high reputation it works well all the way through.
So normally my slots are:
Slot 1: Paladin (Ajantis/Keldorn)
Slot 2: Minsc
Slot 3: Decent PC Melee
Slot 4: Jaheria
Slot 5: Cleric (Yeslick/Anomen)
Slot 6: Imoen
Hoping to try something new in BGEE though~
Plus it sounds like it would have a lot of fun interaction. I'm guessing your theme there is pink party members? rofl. Just have Coran join and you've got it ...