I play with a party of at least two characters. I sometimes add other characters for banter or other non-gamplay related issues.
My PC is almost always a Fighter/Mage and the NPC I always use is Viconia. I like being able to have the strong defensive capabilities of a fighter, the offensive and lock opening spells of a mage, and the healing, trap detecting, and offensive spells of a cleric in my party. Viconia is also less likely to betray me than other NPCs because she is less likely to disagree with whatever my party does.
I almost never have thieves or bards in my party because I don't see them as very useful.
I also don't usually play with a party larger than 3-4 characters because, for me, larger parties are a nuisance. I have to constantly babysit the extra characters and they frequently get killed anyway because its harder to have a big group evade large numbers of enemies, especially in cramped dungeons.
I sometimes like to have a third NPC in my party, usually another cleric, so that there is someone available to resurrect Viconia if she gets killed. For my past three BG2 playthroughs Sendai has been filling that role. I added her to my party via ctrl q. Since I just recently learned how to transform Sendai into a PC using Near Infinity, I am now playing a game in Tutu with Sendai as my PC and Viconia as my NPC with Kivan along for banter. I plan import Sendai into BG2 to continue her adventure and eventually fight herself as soon as she finishes Tutu.
I dunno, Viconia has 65% magic resistance, which a PC cleric can't get, though a PC can select a kit, *all* of which are better than the default cleric (there are no downsides)
This applies to Edwin for Mage too in my opinion, at least outside of whatever his opposed schools are. You just can't beat that amulet of his.
Indeed, this leaves me with a hard choice for my first BGEE game, as I'd like to try with Neera in my party, but CHARNAME will be a fighter/mage, so would be too mage-heavy to have Edwin too.. CHARNAME will likely be evil, though, so it's possible Neera might not get on...
Hm. My most common final party is CHARNAME, Imoen, Xan, Quayle, and Alora, with either Kivan or Edwin filling the sixth slot. I am aware this is a poorly constructed party, but I do not care. Hoping to try something new in BGEE though~
Doesn't sound so poorly constructed to me. Alongside those four though, I can't believe I'm saying this (because Edwin is incredible) but I'd definitely go with Kivan > Edwin in that scenario.
Plus it sounds like it would have a lot of fun interaction. I'm guessing your theme there is pink party members? rofl. Just have Coran join and you've got it ...
Naw, I just liked their personalities but I noticed that later on in one of my playthroughs and started referring to them as "The Pinkersquad". ...Plus Kivan.
Change his colors to pink. He's an elf, he can probably deal with it better than others with his personality could. Hahaha!
For me it's just about having a good balance of needed skills and then enjoying all the different NPCs in various combinations. At this point I've mastered the game tactically, so I seek continual variety among NPCs and try to develop roleplaying concepts. There's no "best" party for me in that sense.
(I cannot play evil - in fact, I could, but this game is not at all easy with evil characters - KOTOR2 is a good example of what's fun in an evil playthrough)
- my PC is a Paladin (surely a Cavalier in BG EE). In BG1, you won't really see the difference between a Paladin and a fighter - except for XP requirements. Longsword / great bows (if not cavalier) / scimitar or warhammer
- Khalid as a fighter Sorry if so many people hate him, but he REALLY has good stats : as someone stated before : STR : 15 ; DEX 16 ; CON 17. He is a tank, he has a good dex. Once you have the gauntlets of strength, he is the best fighting NPC. With swords / axe / bows et can do a great job. If you really fear for his morale, there are spells boosting it.
- Yeslick as a fighter / healer : He is just awsome, you can remove Jaheira from your party by making her petrified by a basilisk (and de petrify by a spell). He has a good wisdom score, good constitution, and average strength, what we're expecting from a cleric. Give him the gauntlets of dexterity to compensate his low base dex.
If you plan only to play BG1 with your PC, also give him the three tomes of wisdom available. He'll gain many level 4 spells, and is far than better than any other clerics in game (even more than the so much overrated Viconcia - in BG1).
- Coran / Kivan:
As archer mainly, or backup fighter. I'd rather have Coran than Kivan, since et can fulfill the role as backup rogue (for stealth and backstabbing like a bastard). My main concern is that they both have a low constitution. That's why I do not put them on the front line (and therefore I prefer Coran over kivan).
- Imoen:
As dualled thief / specialist mage (conjurer) - if it's still possible in BG:EE.
Rogue level 6 / mage level 9.
Main attributes to boost : Detect traps (100/110 %) & unlocking (100+). Can be dualled after that.
She is basically an Edwin with more HP and versatility (except she has an higher spell failure during scribing, but it isn't that a problem).
- Last slot : Dynaheir (or an other good mage).
Do not recruit Minsc.
She is a second mage and here good constitution make here less vulnerable. She backs-up Imoen (until she gains here thief levels back, and during her mage leveling). She does have access to identify and other interesting spells (magic missile, ...).
I normally end up with Imoen, Ajantis, Kivan, Khalid, and Jaheria. My PC alters from game to game, but is normally a fighter class, every now and then a cleric cause of Jaherias multi-class. this notably leaves me very Mageless in BG1 cause I never dual Immy. Makes the game "fun" but I load out on ranged weapons for all my chars so its not totally bad >.>
Have you ever played with an all evil (apart from Imoen, she stays with you no matter how much your reputation stinks)? It's only quite recently that I done this, and I have to say its lots of fun!
I've never been able to run a full BG1 game as evil. Have done so a number of times in BG2, but for some reason I never really get into BG1 evil mindset. Maybe EE will change that?
As dualled thief / specialist mage (conjurer) - if it's still possible in BG:EE.
Rogue level 6 / mage level 9.
Main attributes to boost : Detect traps (100/110 %) & unlocking (100+).
Why 110% in detect traps, I thought that there was no point in going over 100% for detect traps (and open locks). I know having > 100% is useful for hide in shadows/move silently, as they is a big penalty for trying to go stealthy in dalight, but didn't think the others needed more than 100% (though am not sure about pick pockets, detect illutions and set traps)
Isn't Khalid's morale rating 6? With 5 being the average (the lower the better) for almost every other NPC? I know Eldoth and Gardick also have a 6, with Minsc's being a 2. I can't think of any other notable instances.
Hmm i tend to vary a lot depending on mood...but my most common group usually consists of a CHARNAME mage, Coran, Kagain, Xzar, Shar-Teel and Faldorn. Never used to use the latter two, but decided to pick them up and run with them once and thought they were terrific, Shar-Teel killed just about everything in sight and partnered with Kagain, I found I had a pretty formidable front line. Faldorn was very very handy as well for her divine magic, Coran is incredible at archery and can make a decent enough thief, leaving the arcane stuff to Xzar and myself...was a whole lot of fun.
She is basically an Edwin with more HP and versatility (except she has an higher spell failure during scribing, but it isn't that a problem).
Edwin gets another spell per day per level over her. That's pretty significant. That said, she's obviously much better than Dynaheir, since you're talking about Good parties.
Why 110% in detect traps, I thought that there was no point in going over 100% for detect traps (and open locks). I know having > 100% is useful for hide in shadows/move silently, as they is a big penalty for trying to go stealthy in dalight, but didn't think the others needed more than 100% (though am not sure about pick pockets, detect illutions and set traps)
In fact, I have always wondered if having more than 100% in find traps was speeding the process of finding them.
If not, yes 100% is enough, and the remaining points before dualing can be put in hide in shadows or unlocking (since I believe that there are a few locks that need more than 100% - unless I am mistaken, the lock inside Baldur's Gate Ducal castle - or from Skie's father house - needs more than 100%).
Were you a Viconia fan before BG2 ? In BG1 she only has 16 in Wisdom, and her low constitution and magic resistance (the way it functions in BG1 is more problem than a benefit).
In BG2, if I wanted an evil character, I would go for her ASAP, but the +2 Wisdom score she has over Lawful Good Anomen doesn't provide that mich advantage since low level spells are not as useful as in BG1.
Were you a Viconia fan before BG2 ? In BG1 she only has 16 in Wisdom, and her low constitution and magic resistance (the way it functions in BG1 is more problem than a benefit).
In BG2, if I wanted an evil character, I would go for her ASAP, but the +2 Wisdom score she has over Lawful Good Anomen doesn't provide that mich advantage since low level spells are not as useful as in BG1.
I do like the BG2 version of Viconia more than the BG1 version because her character is more developed, but in both games I generally play an evil party. Viconia was the NPC that I used the most in BG1, when I first learned how to play and didn't understand the way the game mechanics worked, because she had healing spells and was therefore useful for me in the ongoing crusade against the Flaming Fist that I had in most playthroughs.
I grew to like her as a character as a result and nowadays even though I understand the stats and that there are other characters who are 'better,' I still like having Viconia in my party in both games.
In any case, in my main BG2 game Viconia has been through five playthroughs so she is now a level 195, has 460 HP, and has used tomes to increase some of her stats, so any weaknesses she had in the beginning don't really exist anymore.
Bg1 sort of lacks banters and as such, the flavors of the npc's don't matter that much to me. I find that Minsc levels too slowly and thus becomes inferior to Kagain, so there's my tank right there.
I often complete bg1 without a mage/sorc, but if I were to take one it'd be Edwin, hands down. He's just that superior.
Thief? Hmm.. main char, Montaron or Safana. Imoen is.. well.. too pink.
Healer is Branwen or Viccy, whichever strikes my fancy at the time. In addition to Jaheira. (Scatman John gets a club to the head and kick from party)
So.. Main char often Fighter/Thief, Jaheira, Bran/Vic, Kagain + Monty and Edwin, if I can be arsed to drag them along.
Bg2: Always try to bring Korgan and Edwin, their banters are simply priceless and great comical relief. They also happen to be the best at what they do. Aerie, so Korgan has someone to pick on.. (also, putting robe of veccna on a healer = stupid fast healing) Jaheira (need at least one sensible person).
So.. Main char Fighter/thief, Korgan, Edwin, Aerie, Jaheira. (Imoen can find her own way off pirate island.. or perhaps become the most cheerful bar wench they've had)
Why 110% in detect traps, I thought that there was no point in going over 100% for detect traps (and open locks). I know having > 100% is useful for hide in shadows/move silently, as they is a big penalty for trying to go stealthy in dalight, but didn't think the others needed more than 100% (though am not sure about pick pockets, detect illutions and set traps)
In fact, I have always wondered if having more than 100% in find traps was speeding the process of finding them.
If not, yes 100% is enough, and the remaining points before dualing can be put in hide in shadows or unlocking (since I believe that there are a few locks that need more than 100% - unless I am mistaken, the lock inside Baldur's Gate Ducal castle - or from Skie's father house - needs more than 100%).
Think you may be right about that one cheeky lock (I can't remember where it is either). If I'm playing a Thief I usually won't bump my traps and locks past 90%, that's where the ring of danger sense comes in handy. Also worth noting, I think the engine breaks if you put too many points into shadows and move silently, I think it means it can't read the % and thus reads those scores as 0.
Why 110% in detect traps, I thought that there was no point in going over 100% for detect traps (and open locks). I know having > 100% is useful for hide in shadows/move silently, as they is a big penalty for trying to go stealthy in dalight, but didn't think the others needed more than 100% (though am not sure about pick pockets, detect illutions and set traps)
In fact, I have always wondered if having more than 100% in find traps was speeding the process of finding them.
If not, yes 100% is enough, and the remaining points before dualing can be put in hide in shadows or unlocking (since I believe that there are a few locks that need more than 100% - unless I am mistaken, the lock inside Baldur's Gate Ducal castle - or from Skie's father house - needs more than 100%).
Think you may be right about that one cheeky lock (I can't remember where it is either). If I'm playing a Thief I usually won't bump my traps and locks past 90%, that's where the ring of danger sense comes in handy. Also worth noting, I think the engine breaks if you put too many points into shadows and move silently, I think it means it can't read the % and thus reads those scores as 0.
It loops back to 0 when you put it above 255%. Why on God's green earth you would put it that high in the first place is beyond me.
I try different combinations of characters all the time. I follow the typical fighter, priest, thief & mage as 4 of my 6, usually. But it's always worth experimenting and checking out different combo's. I think the same party over-and-over again just to make the game as easy as it could be would make the game grow stale swiftly.
My PC is almost always a Fighter/Mage and the NPC I always use is Viconia. I like being able to have the strong defensive capabilities of a fighter, the offensive and lock opening spells of a mage, and the healing, trap detecting, and offensive spells of a cleric in my party. Viconia is also less likely to betray me than other NPCs because she is less likely to disagree with whatever my party does.
I almost never have thieves or bards in my party because I don't see them as very useful.
I also don't usually play with a party larger than 3-4 characters because, for me, larger parties are a nuisance. I have to constantly babysit the extra characters and they frequently get killed anyway because its harder to have a big group evade large numbers of enemies, especially in cramped dungeons.
I sometimes like to have a third NPC in my party, usually another cleric, so that there is someone available to resurrect Viconia if she gets killed. For my past three BG2 playthroughs Sendai has been filling that role. I added her to my party via ctrl q. Since I just recently learned how to transform Sendai into a PC using Near Infinity, I am now playing a game in Tutu with Sendai as my PC and Viconia as my NPC with Kivan along for banter. I plan import Sendai into BG2 to continue her adventure and eventually fight herself as soon as she finishes Tutu.
(I cannot play evil - in fact, I could, but this game is not at all easy with evil characters - KOTOR2 is a good example of what's fun in an evil playthrough)
- my PC is a Paladin (surely a Cavalier in BG EE).
In BG1, you won't really see the difference between a Paladin and a fighter - except for XP requirements.
Longsword / great bows (if not cavalier) / scimitar or warhammer
- Khalid as a fighter
Sorry if so many people hate him, but he REALLY has good stats : as someone stated before : STR : 15 ; DEX 16 ; CON 17. He is a tank, he has a good dex. Once you have the gauntlets of strength, he is the best fighting NPC. With swords / axe / bows et can do a great job. If you really fear for his morale, there are spells boosting it.
- Yeslick as a fighter / healer :
He is just awsome, you can remove Jaheira from your party by making her petrified by a basilisk (and de petrify by a spell). He has a good wisdom score, good constitution, and average strength, what we're expecting from a cleric.
Give him the gauntlets of dexterity to compensate his low base dex.
If you plan only to play BG1 with your PC, also give him the three tomes of wisdom available.
He'll gain many level 4 spells, and is far than better than any other clerics in game (even more than the so much overrated Viconcia - in BG1).
- Coran / Kivan:
As archer mainly, or backup fighter.
I'd rather have Coran than Kivan, since et can fulfill the role as backup rogue (for stealth and backstabbing like a bastard). My main concern is that they both have a low constitution.
That's why I do not put them on the front line (and therefore I prefer Coran over kivan).
- Imoen:
As dualled thief / specialist mage (conjurer) - if it's still possible in BG:EE.
Rogue level 6 / mage level 9.
Main attributes to boost : Detect traps (100/110 %) & unlocking (100+).
Can be dualled after that.
She is basically an Edwin with more HP and versatility
(except she has an higher spell failure during scribing, but it isn't that a problem).
- Last slot : Dynaheir (or an other good mage).
Do not recruit Minsc.
She is a second mage and here good constitution make here less vulnerable.
She backs-up Imoen (until she gains here thief levels back, and during her mage leveling).
She does have access to identify and other interesting spells (magic missile, ...).
I'm sorry.
I always thought his amulet conferred two extra spells per day, but I've never actually checked.
In fact, I have always wondered if having more than 100% in find traps was speeding the process of finding them.
If not, yes 100% is enough, and the remaining points before dualing can be put in hide in shadows or unlocking (since I believe that there are a few locks that need more than 100% - unless I am mistaken, the lock inside Baldur's Gate Ducal castle - or from Skie's father house - needs more than 100%).
In BG1 she only has 16 in Wisdom, and her low constitution and magic resistance (the way it functions in BG1 is more problem than a benefit).
In BG2, if I wanted an evil character, I would go for her ASAP, but the +2 Wisdom score she has over Lawful Good Anomen doesn't provide that mich advantage since low level spells are not as useful as in BG1.
When a mage unlocks a new level of spells:
Generalist Mage: 1 Spell
Specialist Mage: 2 Spells
Edwin: 3 Spells
I grew to like her as a character as a result and nowadays even though I understand the stats and that there are other characters who are 'better,' I still like having Viconia in my party in both games.
In any case, in my main BG2 game Viconia has been through five playthroughs so she is now a level 195, has 460 HP, and has used tomes to increase some of her stats, so any weaknesses she had in the beginning don't really exist anymore.
I often complete bg1 without a mage/sorc, but if I were to take one it'd be Edwin, hands down. He's just that superior.
Thief? Hmm.. main char, Montaron or Safana. Imoen is.. well.. too pink.
Healer is Branwen or Viccy, whichever strikes my fancy at the time. In addition to Jaheira. (Scatman John gets a club to the head and kick from party)
So.. Main char often Fighter/Thief, Jaheira, Bran/Vic, Kagain + Monty and Edwin, if I can be arsed to drag them along.
Always try to bring Korgan and Edwin, their banters are simply priceless and great comical relief. They also happen to be the best at what they do.
Aerie, so Korgan has someone to pick on.. (also, putting robe of veccna on a healer = stupid fast healing)
Jaheira (need at least one sensible person).
So.. Main char Fighter/thief, Korgan, Edwin, Aerie, Jaheira. (Imoen can find her own way off pirate island.. or perhaps become the most cheerful bar wench they've had)