Man, that took a dark turn. (spoilers ahead)
So I rescued Melincamp the chicken from a wolf and took him to his master to be restored to his normal self. Here I am thinking, "Ah yeah this should be a funny quest, man stole from his master, goofed and got stuck as a chicken." I even thought it was a bit weird they would make the quest of finding the head of an undead creature so easy, like just right outside the tower are skeletons that drop skulls. So all that beguiled this really somber ending to the quest. That was really unexpected.
The funny part is that the name of the spell Thalantyr casts is actually "Antichickenator".
If you want Melicamp to live just reload and try again - eventually he will survive the Antichickenator spell xD
You can try out both variations, just make a save before you give the skull to Thalantyr. Reload to see either result.
It's still a bit of a quirky quest though, since I don't think that mechanic is recycled anywhere else. Without spoiling anything, at one point you can help out a cleric who serves the god of luck, and his quest is similarly made out to be a bit of a cosmic coin toss, but it's all scripted and works out the same way every time.
Never happened before so was most disappointed and felt like a murderer.
Don't know about the other example you quoted, I don't remember having seen that one. You have more details where that is?