Trent Oster Interview at Sorcerer's Place

I just came across this, its from yesterday:
8. SP: There’s been talk of DLC being released post launch. How many DLCs ideally would you like to see released for BG:EE?
Oster: I'd like to see a lot of DLC released post-launch. The Sword Coast is a great location for adventure and BG:EE offers a very fun type of tactical gameplay which cannot be had anywhere else. Our plan is to do at least one expansion-pack scale add-on and see how the market responds. If people like what we're doing and buy the DLC, we'll make more.
9. SP: What sort of ideas do you have in mind for the DLC? New missions? New companions? New graphical enhancements? Other?
Oster: Yes, all of the above. I think we can do smaller DLC in the form of new companions, new assets and larger DLC in the form of full blown adventures.
I like the Idea of "expansion-pack scale add-on"!
8. SP: There’s been talk of DLC being released post launch. How many DLCs ideally would you like to see released for BG:EE?
Oster: I'd like to see a lot of DLC released post-launch. The Sword Coast is a great location for adventure and BG:EE offers a very fun type of tactical gameplay which cannot be had anywhere else. Our plan is to do at least one expansion-pack scale add-on and see how the market responds. If people like what we're doing and buy the DLC, we'll make more.
9. SP: What sort of ideas do you have in mind for the DLC? New missions? New companions? New graphical enhancements? Other?
Oster: Yes, all of the above. I think we can do smaller DLC in the form of new companions, new assets and larger DLC in the form of full blown adventures.
I like the Idea of "expansion-pack scale add-on"!
If you have to start from scratch every time you install something new, how is that going to sell?
I believe they didnt clean the code for nothing, Im sure the game is more optimized for add-ons than before. Also when you installed Tales Of The Sword Coast you didnt have to start the game all over again, And I believe it will be the same with any further adventure expansion.
And even if you do have to start all over, it will only add to the replayability of the game, which is one of the aspects that made this game so great. Improved Weather Effects is one of the enhancements that I can think of, they have said it will go post-ship.
This should be fun.
Can I just give them my credit card number?
Maybe a 'Kickstarter' thing for added content? I'd pay in advance.
I think Overhaul is proving their dedication, not just as developers but also as gamers like us. That's the spirit they should overtake. (hint - what was Interplay's motto?)
DLC, addons, expansion packs, hell, boxed versions if they feel like it - sign me up sir!
I mean, I'm not saying it couldn't happen, after all it is pretty obvious that Bhaal got down and dirty with just about everyone and everything, it just starts sounding a little too "super speshul snowflake" to me, that's all.
Oster: Good question. There is a fair bit of fan content that is included into BG:EE, but I think very little went in untouched. In almost every case we worked closely with the modders involved to improve or revise the content to better fit the game and the average user. In some cases the modders went above and beyond their previous efforts and delivered something awesome with the additional support we were able to offer on the code side."
The above is interesting too.. One know of 1pp, but what other user made mods have made it to the final game?
Those are bug fix mods though. The only included mod, that changes game content, is 1PP.
Am I upset that I have to pay for them? No. It takes the fan community's modders a great deal of time and effort out of their own lives to create mods. If they could have been compensated back when, I would likely have paid for their work too (depending on what they achieved; I'd then have been much more discriminating). Real human beings whose time, skill, and energy are valuable have to create new content. It doesn't get made by the Keebler elves.
I don't recall hearing that anywhere. Please could you provide a link?