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Trent Oster Interview at Sorcerer's Place



  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    So, when in doubt, make something up?
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited November 2012
    Don't forget that @Kharador had a discussion about it this summer. I just went back and read through it again and still don't know what he's talking about.

    Apparently back then there was a Disagree reaction, which was being frequently used.

  • Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259
    Why don't we have a Disagree option anymore? There are many instances where this would be useful.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    People abused the disagree button, so now its gone.
  • Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259
    That's how it always goes, a few ruin it for the many...
  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667
    Yeah, I don't think anyone said we wouldn't make paid DLC. Sure stuff will be included in the PC version, but I don't think an expansion would be free.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Just as well said Dislike Button is gone. That sort of thing just inspires more separation, hate, and angst. Now if you want to disagree you have to state your reasons instead of being a stand-offish coward ... like real life!! Seriously, people get far too used to hiding behind their computer screens, that button would only help, so it's good for everyone that it's gone. Bad habits form in the most unsuspecting places.
  • KaliestoKaliesto Member Posts: 282
    There's quite a number of areas surrounding the Sword Coast Area of BG1, there's much to be made if like he said, the market responds well to it.
  • KaxonKaxon Member Posts: 156
    I like the idea of a big expansion, but I'm worried about the amount of time required to do it since they've been saying BG2EE will be coming out in 2013.
  • Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259
    Quartz said:

    Just as well said Dislike Button is gone. That sort of thing just inspires more separation, hate, and angst. Now if you want to disagree you have to state your reasons instead of being a stand-offish coward ... like real life!! Seriously, people get far too used to hiding behind their computer screens, that button would only help, so it's good for everyone that it's gone. Bad habits form in the most unsuspecting places.

    Yeah, I guess you're right. It makes people be more up-front and accountable for the things they're saying.
    Kaxon said:

    I like the idea of a big expansion, but I'm worried about the amount of time required to do it since they've been saying BG2EE will be coming out in 2013.

    You know, I've had this thought at the back of my mind for a while now. Right after BGEE comes out they're starting on BG2EE. Now, I did read somewhere that they are leaving a couple of guys back to continue with BGEE, (presumably updates, bug fixes, and DLC.) But, are only a couple of guys going to be able to produce an expansion while everyone else is working on BG2EE? Also, my main concern is that when BG2EE is finally finished, I have a feeling that BGEE will be basically abandoned (regarding updates, DLC/expansions,) because by then, they may be starting BG3 (or a new project,) and/or working on updates, expansions, and DLC for BG2EE. Now this is all entirely speculation, but I do hope that BGEE won't be abandoned just because something new and shiny is out.
  • ZeckulZeckul Member Posts: 1,036
    edited November 2012
    16. SP: Obsidian is currently developing a game engine based off Unity, with what sounds like a large number of customizations to streamline it for the development of a CRPG. Might Beamdog consider using such an engine for the development of Baldur’s Gate 3?

    Oster: No. In my experience, an engine is all about optimization. What makes an engine fast is not the work you do, but the work you don't. With a game like Baldur's Gate, there is no other title with the same challenges and as such, no engine is optimized around those criteria. Our approach is going to be from the ground up, making an engine and tool chain which is 100% dedicated to making the best isometric party based role playing game possible. Tools and workflow will be top of the list and a powerful scripting language is the foundation for our plans going forward. I think what we build will be radically different from all current engines on the market.
    I find Trent Oster's position hard to understand. What's with the idea that Unity is too slow to build a fantastic RPG with it? Yes, you could certainly build a more optimized engine if you tailored it to that specific purpose only, but think about all the time spent developing this engine and these tools, all the testing on various hardware configurations, wouldn't all this effort and money be better spent on design and content? Project Eternity, if it succeeds - and we have every reason to think it will - will show that a superb, large-scale RPG can be produced from scratch in a year and a half in this day and age, if you remove all the classical impediments from the equation. Engine development isn't the only one here, but it's a very significant one.
  • Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259
    @AdreaColombo So are you saying that they've invested all the time in BGEE for the sake of spending more time on BG2EE and it's content? Do you mean that they aren't willing to put anymore time into BGEE once its released? I'm confused. Maybe I'm not catching your drift...
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    Quartz said:

    Just as well said Dislike Button is gone. That sort of thing just inspires more separation, hate, and angst. Now if you want to disagree you have to state your reasons instead of being a stand-offish coward ... like real life!! Seriously, people get far too used to hiding behind their computer screens, that button would only help, so it's good for everyone that it's gone. Bad habits form in the most unsuspecting places.

    @Quartz So, according to you to agree/like without giving any reasons is acceptable whereas to disagree/dislike in the same terms is a shameful attitude? Sorry, but I disagree with you. I value all opinions and even yours which, although it's not the case, I could dislike.
    On another note, good interview.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Abel said:

    @Quartz So, according to you to agree/like without giving any reasons is acceptable whereas to disagree/dislike in the same terms is a shameful attitude? Sorry, but I disagree with you. I value all opinions and even yours which, although it's not the case, I could dislike.
    On another note, good interview.

    It promotes positive attitudes. I'm sorry you take issue with that. If they took away all the buttons you wouldn't see me complain too much though.
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    Quartz said:

    Abel said:

    @Quartz So, according to you to agree/like without giving any reasons is acceptable whereas to disagree/dislike in the same terms is a shameful attitude? Sorry, but I disagree with you. I value all opinions and even yours which, although it's not the case, I could dislike.
    On another note, good interview.

    It promotes positive attitudes. I'm sorry you take issue with that. If they took away all the buttons you wouldn't see me complain too much though.
    I understand your point. I don't care much about these tools either.
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    edited November 2012
    To pay for an "expansion pak" is nothing new to me. would realy love to see this BG:EE stuff expanded further whatever it will be. And i remember Trent saying DLC like fluffy earrings+3 and this BS. The devs are aware of bad DLC and fair DLC i think;)
  • Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259
    @AndreaColombo Now I'm catching your drift! That totally makes sense now. I'm glad that BGEE won't be abandoned and will continue to get upgrades and new content. I hope adventure Y comes in the form of a full "expansion" instead of just a smaller DLC. I now have a much clearer understanding of the engine-level work and the ability of backporting features created for BG2EE. Thanks for the clarification.
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