Do halflings get +1 THAC0 *and* +1 damage with a sling?

I just read somewhere (here: there that halflings get +1 THAC0 *and* +1 Damage bonuses when using slings, but I thought it was just +1 THAC0 like elves with bows and swords, could someone confirm which is correct? Thanks
Its just the +1 damage I'm not sure about, not so easy to test
2. They take a hit to their Wisdom score so I'd say it's fair; it keeps them from being hands-down the best clerics.
Second clause: Ummmmmm ... no they don't. Humans and half-elves do. You crazy.
If I was put in charge, I would probably make the only racial restrictions ones that made sense for role-playing purposes like Viconia growing up with a hatred of surface elves. Why is romance available for halfling men but not women or halflings but not doesn't seem to add to the game narrative.
Install grandmastery mods, put 5 points in slings.