If gnomes can be cleric/thieves I see no reason why halflings shouldn't be able to either. After all they don't suffer a malus to their wisdom score (although their max is capped at 17) meaning they would take to a clerical lifestyle more than a gnome, plus they are far more capable thieves as well.
If gnomes can be cleric/thieves I see no reason why halflings shouldn't be able to either. After all they don't suffer a malus to their wisdom score (although their max is capped at 17) meaning they would take to a clerical lifestyle more than a gnome, plus they are far more capable thieves as well.
Logically you have a point, but this is not allowed in 2e D&D, so I can understand why BG does not permit this.
We were just playing around. My calling Quartz "crazy" was just quoting what he said to you originally (which is why I had the silly halfing meme with it to underscore the not-so-serious nature of the post).
We were just playing around. My calling Quartz "crazy" was just quoting what he said to you originally (which is why I had the silly halfing meme with it to underscore the not-so-serious nature of the post).
Why are Dwarven druids ridiculous? You even have an example of one in Forgotten Realms novels.
Racial restrictions for access to classes is just a game mechanics thing. RP-wise, they're just random restrictions.
Uhhhmmm ... yeahhh what did I just say? "but seriously I pretty well agree with AD&D race/class restrictions." You're not going to convince me of anything, any time soon. Now, your mention of there being a Dwarven Druid in a Forgotten Realms novel is interesting, but beyond that it's pretty easy for me to say "yup disagree kthxbai!" in response to your post. Which is completely useless mind you, but I believe I am as entitled to my opinion of liking race restrictions as you are entitled to your "give everything to everyone!" 3e beliefs. Peace.
Well why would it be so wrong to you if I could make a halfling fighter / cleric with two points in slings and 19 dexterity?
Heh, well I wasn't trying to make this a "question Quartz on his opinion of game balance!" thread but I suppose I have to defend myself. I'm of the stance that you should be able to multi-class anything you can do either of (exception being humans of course), so yeah that one sounds good to me too.
I've just never been fond of these strange concepts of Gnomish Paladins or Dwarven Monks, etc. I realize most people would ask me "man that's a very strange line you draw." Well, of course it is I know I'm weird so I hardly think everyone should have to listen to my opinion on this matter. It's not a "yes" or "no" argument, it has so many facets that it's difficult to pinpoint.
^ This char was going to be a Human or Half-Orc at first. Somewhere down the line I figured out just how awesome a Halfling would be! It's truly a powerful race.
It should be mentioned that Halflings ALSO gets an undocumented +1 thac0 with darts - the proverbial Thief weapon!
^ This char was going to be a Human or Half-Orc at first. Somewhere down the line I figured out just how awesome a Halfling would be! It's truly a powerful race.
It should be mentioned that Halflings ALSO gets an undocumented +1 thac0 with darts - the proverbial Thief weapon!
I'm pretty sure that this is just a display bug and that they don't in-game - have you tried with the latest 2014 patch?
^ This char was going to be a Human or Half-Orc at first. Somewhere down the line I figured out just how awesome a Halfling would be! It's truly a powerful race.
It should be mentioned that Halflings ALSO gets an undocumented +1 thac0 with darts - the proverbial Thief weapon!
I'm pretty sure that this is just a display bug and that they don't in-game - have you tried with the latest 2014 patch?
I'm playing BGT, so no. Might be something you BG:EE players felt like checking? I think Bigdogchris confirmed it in the Unofficial BG:EE Manual-thread? There was no discussion after that, so I assumed it's confirmed. Oo
EDIT Either way, Darts get 3 APR so slings get blown outta the water!
^ This char was going to be a Human or Half-Orc at first. Somewhere down the line I figured out just how awesome a Halfling would be! It's truly a powerful race.
It should be mentioned that Halflings ALSO gets an undocumented +1 thac0 with darts - the proverbial Thief weapon!
I'm pretty sure that this is just a display bug and that they don't in-game - have you tried with the latest 2014 patch?
I'm playing BGT, so no. Might be something you BG:EE players felt like checking? I think Bigdogchris confirmed it in the Unofficial BG:EE Manual-thread? There was no discussion after that, so I assumed it's confirmed. Oo
EDIT Either way, Darts get 3 APR so slings get blown outta the water!
In BGEE slings gain bonus damage from strength (as do throwing axes and daggers), also don't forget that for slings any launcher +x magic THAC0/damage bonus stacks with +x magic THAC0 bonus/damage, and magic sling ammo tends to be cheaper than for darts. There is also elemental sling ammo (ice/fire/electricity) available in BGEE. Slings also have a longer range. Am not saying that darts can't be good, but it's not so clear cut as you may think.
Hmmm - I just started a new 2014 game as a halfling Shadow Dancer and the character record still reports that halflings get +1 THAC0 racial bonus with darts, though I'm pretty sure this is bugged
I've just confirmed it in BGT/BG2 atleast: Level 5 Bounty Hunter with base thac0 of 18, -3 thac0 from 19 DEX, he SHOULD have 15 thac0 when attacking with Darts if there is no thac0 bonus. Attacking Kagain with his base AC of 10 means I should need to roll 5 or higher to hit him (15 to hit AC 0, +10 = 5) but I hit him twice with a roll of 4. See scrnshot.
In BGEE slings gain bonus damage from strength (as do throwing axes and daggers), also don't forget that for slings any launcher +x magic THAC0/damage bonus stacks with +x magic THAC0 bonus/damage, and magic sling ammo tends to be cheaper than for darts. There is also elemental sling ammo (ice/fire/electricity) available in BGEE. Slings also have a longer range. Am not saying that darts can't be good, but it's not so clear cut as you may think.
I was unaware of this - interesting! I think this applies to BGT/BG2 aswell; I have seen Montaron hit pretty hard with his sling and wondered why the numbers didn't add up! Luckily my 'afling is also proficient in daggers, so come the Gauntlets of Ogre Power, I guess he'll be switching to throwing daggers!
I noticed that throwing axes are REALLY heavy! They weigh 5 lbs each; so 5*10 = 50 for 10. :X I tried outfitting Kagain with them, but really, due to their weight I discared them.
I must wonder why Bows/Xbows get no +STR bonus... I mean, shouldn't a strong wielder be able to fire arrows at greater speed / strength aswell? I figured Bows would be superior to slings/thrown daggers in terms of damage as they ARE the ultimate ranged weapons. Anyone know the reasoning for this?
The real trump card of the Dart, however, is that it gets a whopping 3 APR! While damage is inferior, they are excellent at interupting casters, hence why I love them.
. I must wonder why Bows/Xbows get no +STR bonus... I mean, shouldn't a strong wielder be able to fire arrows at greater speed / strength aswell? I figured Bows would be superior to slings/thrown daggers in terms of damage as they ARE the ultimate ranged weapons. Anyone know the reasoning for this?
Very interesting information in there, answering a question that's been on mind for ages!! Regardless of the fact that I think BG:EE was not worthy of the subtitle, it HAS done wonders for the BG-community. I will eventually purchase it just to show my support, but I will wait until they have finished the entire series, first.
But I digress. For now, 'Tis up to you guys if you feel like testing the aforementioned thac0-bonus with darts, or not. I am off to kill bandits!! Peace. :>
Even though there's a halfling god of "adventure and thievery." SOOOO they should totally be able to be Cleric/Thieves. Sigh.
If gnomes can be cleric/thieves I see no reason why halflings shouldn't be able to either. After all they don't suffer a malus to their wisdom score (although their max is capped at 17) meaning they would take to a clerical lifestyle more than a gnome, plus they are far more capable thieves as well.
Quartz is one of the best posters on this site!
BTW I enjoy Quartz's (and your) posts too
The ones I disagree with not being permitted:
Elven Druids
Halfling Cleric/Thief
I'm sure I'm missing one or two, but seriously I pretty well agree with AD&D race/class restrictions.
Racial restrictions for access to classes is just a game mechanics thing. RP-wise, they're just random restrictions.
I've just never been fond of these strange concepts of Gnomish Paladins or Dwarven Monks, etc. I realize most people would ask me "man that's a very strange line you draw." Well, of course it is I know I'm weird so I hardly think everyone should have to listen to my opinion on this matter. It's not a "yes" or "no" argument, it has so many facets that it's difficult to pinpoint.
awesome a Halfling would be! It's truly a powerful race.
It should be mentioned that Halflings ALSO gets an undocumented +1 thac0 with darts - the proverbial Thief weapon!
Either way, Darts get 3 APR so slings get blown outta the water!
I noticed that throwing axes are REALLY heavy! They weigh 5 lbs each; so 5*10 = 50 for 10. :X I tried outfitting Kagain with them, but really, due to their weight I discared them.
I must wonder why Bows/Xbows get no +STR bonus... I mean, shouldn't a strong wielder be able to fire arrows at greater speed / strength aswell? I figured Bows would be superior to slings/thrown daggers in terms of damage as they ARE the ultimate ranged weapons. Anyone know the reasoning for this?
The real trump card of the Dart, however, is that it gets a whopping 3 APR! While damage is inferior, they are excellent at interupting casters, hence why I love them.
But I digress. For now, 'Tis up to you guys if you feel like testing the aforementioned thac0-bonus with darts, or not.