Tweaks Anthology v3 Released

The Tweaks Anthology is a WeiDU compilation of fixes, cosmetic changes, and tweaks that will run on every Infinity Engine game, from the original Planescape:Torment, through the Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate series, and the new Enhanced Editions of the games. The successor to BG2 Tweaks and several other tweak packs, some of these were fan requests, others are needed fixes, and others simply make dealing with the more irritating aspects of the game engine easier. Each component can be installed separately so the player can pick and choose only which ones they wish to install. Version 3 includes bug fixes and a revamped Chinese translation courtesy of Angel.
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Usually repeatedly and often.
I suggest also posting this on Redmine for Beamdog to fix. The dialogue file itself is bugged, Tweaks is just catching it.
Action-22 has a typo:
should be:DisplayStringNoNameDlg(Myself,17341)
Using the Friendly Random Drops component from IWDEE (option: Re-Randomize on Reload), if you disarm a trapped chest the random loot disappears.
Happened two times so far (Temple of The Forgotten God and Dragon's Eye).
If I open the chest without disarming the trap the loot is maintained.
Weidu Log attached.