Worst possible solo class

I was wondering if there is a solo class that can't complete BG1, SoD, SOA and ToB on Insane difficulty with ScS, because it is too weak.
I'm not talking about setting yourself restrictions, the class should be able to use all available tools it has and roll decent stats (maybe a maximum number of rerolls).
I know there is plenty of classes like Monk or Archer that would struggle a lot with LoB SoD Belhifet, but I feel like Insane is that easy, any class could actually do it, but maybe I'm just thinking of the wrong classes...
I'm not talking about setting yourself restrictions, the class should be able to use all available tools it has and roll decent stats (maybe a maximum number of rerolls).
I know there is plenty of classes like Monk or Archer that would struggle a lot with LoB SoD Belhifet, but I feel like Insane is that easy, any class could actually do it, but maybe I'm just thinking of the wrong classes...
A solo druid is very difficult against Amelyssan, a solo wizard slayer is also very diffucult throughout the game. I'd add a beastmaster can also be diffucult.
Strange about the druid, it is probably one of the strrongest classes against Mel, especially on Insane, but even on LoB because of Harm.
You can even use Spectral Brand for more Thac0 and rest between fights if I'm not mistaken.
The beastmaster seems super strong in BG1 and SoD to me, probably one of the better classes, even on LoB vs Big B because of the class enemy, but I honestly don't know anything about pure rangers potential in BG2, cuz I'm not altogether familiar with their item restrictions.
The wizard slayer is an insane challenge in BG1 and SoD so I would think it easily wins the contest and as I feared I didn't even think of it.
(Tho it becomes super strong in BG2)