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Myconid Bloom Sac?????

Does anyone know the exact coordinates of the area in the tower ruins where the gold is that spawns the Myconid Elder? I know I have done this quest before, but for the life of me, I can't find the gold.


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
  • Lehigh96Lehigh96 Member Posts: 23
    It says to interact with corpse at x=4650, y=2930 but there is nothing there. When I initially entered the area, Safana got confused and started shooting arrows at my party, so I moved everyone to the north and figured I would come back later. Now the dead Myconid is gone and I can't get the elder to spawn. I thought the spawn was triggered by taking a small amount of gold (15gp) from somewhere in the area? Am I wrong?
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    There's some gold in a container just to the east of where the dead Myconid was - the container shows up if you highlight items with the tab key.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Grond0 said:

    There's some gold in a container just to the east of where the dead Myconid was - the container shows up if you highlight items with the tab key.

    I'm moderately sure that it only spawns the items after talking to the dying Myconid though.
  • DurenasDurenas Member Posts: 508
    For me, the Elder Myconid spawned when I looted the gold from that container. Then he resurrected the Myconid that had just died and I had to kill them both. The sac dropped from the Elder Myconid.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    What happens is that you talk to the dying myconid. After it dies you can loot a small amount of gold from the container mentioned above. After you loot it, the elder myconid spawns, and after it dies you can loot the bloom sac.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    Poor ol myconids, tsk, tsk, one basically on his deathbed and they even get robbed at their own graveyard. B)
    What about the kids at home... mean ol 'venturers. ;)

  • DivinaDivina Member Posts: 26
    I got confused by this quest because with Jaheira in the party it became kind of clear that they dying myconid was trying to steer our party to a dead body to the north. Sure enough there is a dead body to the north surrounded by four ankhegs. But then what? If you return to the place the myconid died, the only way to do anything is to interact with the cache which just leads to the elder getting angry etc. It seems from the fact that there is indeed a dead body to the north, that there should also be a peaceful resolution to the quest that does not require our party to kill the leader -_- A

    Any ideas?
  • VinnyBVinnyB Member Posts: 8
    Lehigh96 said:

    It says to interact with corpse at x=4650, y=2930 but there is nothing there. When I initially entered the area, Safana got confused and started shooting arrows at my party, so I moved everyone to the north and figured I would come back later. Now the dead Myconid is gone and I can't get the elder to spawn.

    Sorry to res this thread, but I'm encountering this same (unresolved?) issue: there is nothing at that location for me to interact with. (Invisible Safana triggered the encounter initially, sparking one of those conversations between characters on opposite sides of the map, so maybe that possibility wasn't accounted for?)

    I've tried spawning in the dying myconid (bddyingm.CRE) again, but it's unresponsive to dialog attempts. Is there perhaps a console code to reset the map?
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    There isn't a myconid in the confusion cloud that you can talk to? There should be a lootable pile to the right of it that will trigger an ambush. Hold "Tab" to highlight lootables.
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356
    @ThacoBell I've never been able to trigger the ambush in any version of SoD. I just talk to the dying Myconid, it dies, and nothing else happens. The lootable pile is never there either, and isn't showing up when I hold "Tab." I always have to console in the Elder Myconid to finish the quest.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @Mortianna If I recall, its in a small pile of rocks a little ways to the east. The other Myconids won't spawn until you loot it.
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