About the the player initiated dialog of the mod BGNPC

I know that the PID for romances go through a few phases, and the list of dialoges expands. Is it like this for other characters too? What triggers a new phase of PID from Imoen, or Montaron or Garrick for example? I randomly check them sometimes, and I sort of stopped checking between the bandit camp and cloakwood after not noticing anything changing.
The ones with BG1NPC romances have usually more than others. PIDs for mod NPCs are usually more elaborate. And some NPCs simply have nothing to say.
Since all this was added by modders, you may see preferred and neglegted characters. Some NPCs simply inspire writers more than others.
What other chararacters talk a lot? I used to complain about the way NPCs turned baldurs gate into an episode of Passions on account of having so many words gated behind a romantic path, but BGNPC seems to be an exception,